Monday, March 10, 2008

When Keeping It Real Gets Fucking Delusional...

What is up, peeps! It is about that time for me to bring back an old staple from the Passion of Chachi days. Sometimes I like to kicks it old school. Word. It’s time for…


Today’s Lesson: Getting Real

Okay, the last few months (I will say…ten or so) have been a total gut check for me. For a while I thought the best of people and that maybe people were good at heart and just had lapses of douchery. Well, I got proven time and again that people for the most part are:

1. Out for themselves.
2. Doomed to repeat the same fuck-ups.
3. Are liars, cheaters or all around fuckers.

Now I have been about an apathy kick for about a month now and it has worked for me a bit. I think people need to understand something about my current state of mind and emotional being. You see, there has been a rash of people using words out of context in the same way as “inconceivable” from “The Princess Bride” and I don’t think they know what the words they are trying to use REALLY mean. Remember when I went off about being called “anti-social” because the person didn’t obviously had no idea what the word meant (BTW, after investigation she DIDN’T know what it meant so I was validated)? I am running into that a lot as of late and it is time for a bit of dictionary work.

The word “idealistic” has been tossed out by a few friends of mine (Not Zach unless he’s drunk but that’s why we boys. I only say “I respect women’s views” when I’m drunk so we are even) and I really….really think that when you use the word out of context that it can be used as a crutch. Much like “female empowerment” or “civil rights” or other words that mean jack shit to me. Understand a few things here:

An IDEALISTIC view is a view of high principal, almost to the point of (IMHO) delusion. Quite simply it is someone that doesn’t acknowledge what it is and relishes in what it could or in their mind SHOULD be. God….I just quoted Diddy. BALLIN! There is nothing wrong with idealism in any way, shape or form. Having an idealistic view on life helps you figure out what you want out of your life and gives you a vision (sometimes) of how to achieve it. However, name ONE idealist that really was able to get their utopia-like ideas to come to reality. Only one: Ricky Schroder on “Silver Spoons”

He had a fucking train in his house! Now THAT’S LIVING! The simple fact is that you can STRIVE to live an ideal life, but you have to live in reality. The more you push away reality and attempt to mold the real world into your idealistic way of viewing how things should be….the more you end up like Hitler. Do you WANT to be like Hitler? Of course not, dumbass!

Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying that people should never dream and want their life to be perfect. However, you have to realize you cannot always fit the square peg that you want to be your life in realities round hole. Forcing it never works. Think about it, if you DO force it in and it DOES fit the truth is that it won’t fit at all because it doesn’t REALLY fit as much as you are making yourself believe it is. Quite simply if you have to mold your peg to fit someone else’s hole then maybe it isn’t a fit after all? The peg and the hole should fit just right with maybe a little struggle around the edges that can easily be worked out. Just a thought. In the end, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be an idealist but at the end of the day you cannot live in your perceived reality when you live in one that is encompassing of all people. Or is there no reality and we are just in a state of influx being? Or is reality what we perceive it to be and we can alter it with simple belief? Did I just blow your mind, man?! I hope not because that was just jibber jabber.

Yeah, I had to get that out. A redux on my chivalry rant from 2007 for tomorrow as I don’t think I am going to update. Definitly on Wednesday, though. Until then, I am bringing back a little something…

Live, Laugh, Learn and Love. (Gotta kick it old school sometimes)

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