Monday, February 06, 2006

The end of an era....and the beginning of something stupid.

Long weekend everyone. First off, the Super Bowl sucked. Just had to get that out of the way. I aint had cable for a week (because Adelphia is the devil) so I've actually gone outside and wow, nature sucks. Animals roam the street like they run it. Hunting season will take them down a peg.

As a few of you know, today is my last day with the Darkside and I must say, it was a hell of a run. Especially when we networked Unreal Tournement and crashed all the systems and our network. Aaahhh, priceless. Before I send in my letters to get my 'get the hell out of dodge' money, I will just say fuck them. I hope they get cancer, of the HEAD. Ah, not head cancer!

With the end of a crappy chapter, begins one that makes even less sense. I have had the idea swirling in my brain for about a year for a movie. Dare I say, the grandest movie since 'Goonies'. Yes, Goonies. I have also dragged my feet on the project due to lack of time, interest from the masses and lack of funds/actors. Well, it has come to pass. I give you the greatest movie of our time. I will bring to you.....

Pirates and Ninjas: The Battle for the Dragon Skull

Commence rejoicing. I'll wait. You good? Cool.

Filming began on Friday and the storyboard and script has been completed for the final three parts. Due to the time-constraints of stop-motion and voice editing, its gonna be a bit before its done. But creating art takes tome, and it will be worth it in the end. Plus, there will be dance montages and special features to the inevitable DVD. Oh yeah, it's gonna be smooth chachi folks.

Oh, and about "When a Stranger Calls' being the number one movie at the box office this weekend. Good job America. You have succeeded in being the second dumbest nation in the world behind Iran. They can blame the heat and Islam's selectively translated word. What can YOU blame your stupidity on? For shame, America.

Sigh, that's enough for now. I leave you with a little something. Can't stay mad at the peeps:

Chachi out.