Sunday, June 08, 2008

And On The 7th Day....He Created THE FUNK. GET DOWN!

What is up peeps?! I am back to wrap up a rather eventful weekend and a rather lazy post yesterday. So away we go!

So on Friday, Zach and I went to see “Kung Fu Panda” and I have to say, it wasn’t bad. It was a hell of a lot better than the Indiana Jones movie but that aint saying much. God….that movie was ASS! It was also a lot better than Speed Race (A lot shorter, too) which puts it well below Iron Man for this summer but makes it the second best movie I have seen so far. I mean, until The Incredible Hulk on Friday. I am officially sold on this version of the movie:

Around March after only seeing teasers and reading about it I was under the inclination that this movie was going to be a gross disappointment. Instead this is looking like a thrilling action like the first one SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Like the Bourne Trilogy meets Transformers minus shaky cameras and Michael Bay being….Michael Bay. Anyone down to ride on Friday HOOK IT UP! HULK SMASH ON FRIDAY! HULK DRINK ON SATURDAY!

So to recap the Mindless Self-Indulgence concert on Saturday….


I have always been a closet fan of industrial rock and my experience to MSI has been Zach, Anime music videos and video games. However, I thought it warranted a go since Zach decided to pull a me and buy tickets for a woman that said she wanted to go somewhere which ALWAYS results in her calling (Or in my case NOT CALLING. Bitch) and saying she can’t make it. It’s why I don’t buy bitches shit. I just pay the restaurant directly. So to keep it right on the homeboy side I decided to roll with him because as we all know, it’s homies over hoes:

Add in Joey for some Mormon salt (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m fun-nay!) and we had another Denver-time party. First off, I had never SEEN Mindless Self-Indulgence; just heard their music. I liked what I heard:

At the same time, I have always had a love/hate dynamic with live music of some genres. Hearing the live shows of The Roots and John Legend spoils listening to the album because the experience drops off some when you are not in that love environment. It is the exact opposite for industrial rock for me. I went to Dir En Grey in Denver when they were there with The Deftones (and I believe Staind but I am not sure. It was forever ago) and hearing them live was not as polished as the album because thrash metal (Which is what they could be considered being) sometimes is just loud clicks and beeps live. While I enjoyed MSI live, it was way too loud and I have never been a big fan of the acoustics of the Ogden Theater for really loud rock music. The close atmosphere was GREAT but the actual acoustics of the music left a lot to be desired. That is a picky point but when you can’t hear shit you kind of point that out. It is a thing you do before you go deaf, I guess. Overall, it was bad ass. Although if you ask me I will just pull a Lil Jon. WHAT? HUH? YEAH!

Okay, there is a question that I have to ask here. Now Zach and Joe both stated that I created a fact with this statement but I want to understand if I am right or not about this one. I have begin to notice that attractive women, and I use that term in description of the generic form of what men see as attractive, dress sexfully for attention. Without that attention they become weak about themselves and their perceived beauty. That is how they end up with a douchebag that is MORE THAN HAPPY to tell them how beautiful they are and they figure that “he thinks I am pretty and is validating me so he must be nice” or something along those lines not knowing that he is thinking “two more drinks and it is straight to the backdoor.” Now let me explain my theory.

Kanye West said it best: The ones highest up have the lowest self-esteem. Now I have explained the difference to most women about self-esteem and ego many times and they don’t get it. I explain it to most men and they don’t get it. So let me break this down for the mouth breathers:

Self-esteem: Your happiness with how you perceive yourself regardless of the attitudes or opinions of others about you or your actions.

Ego: How you think others should see you regardless of their opinions or attitudes about you or your actions.

You see, most pretty people have huge egos. They think the world sees them as the greatest thing since Japanese schoolgirl outfits and refuse to believe anything else. Those are the people that are usually bitchy or total douchebags. You know what? They usually have low self-esteem. People who think other people think highly of them usually think of themselves in either a negative aspect or at least less than what they think others think about them. Now I am not basing this off of science or theory I am basing this off of experience and the people I have met. Now all people are different but as tramp-stamps and Jagerbombs have proven….no they fucking aren’t.

So let’s bring this full circle. Now this is varying on generation, home situation and of course whatever shitty religion they are (If you aint a kitten handler, you aint SHIT) but a good amount of women have HUGE egos, more so than men. Women can say what they want to about men but with more women on the planet the numbers are skewed toward me being correct on this. They are taught from either a young age or as they grow up that they are well past the being “equal” aspect of the sexes. They are taught that the world revolves around them and that your feminine wiles can acquire you whatever you want whether it is directly from a person or indirectly from society. Those with high self-esteem and checked egos know that is only true when getting items from weak subjects and isn’t a smart or healthy way to go through life. However, there are some women that live that to the limit of common sense. The funny thing is that they are usually so lacking in self-esteem that when their ego is checked by those that aren’t affected by them their insecurity and lack of self-esteem kick in. THAT is when you seem them get upset about being told no or being spurned. Now someone with self- esteem would chalk a “no” up as a loss and charge it to the game. Someone with NO SELF-ESTEEM with continue the assault because their EGO won’t accept a no because “You are GOING TO WANT ME! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TELL ME NO!” Now I have mentioned this before but not in this much detail about the subject. I mention this again because it seems to be a running theme out there. That and I am proven right once again. If being right was a college football team, I would be the LSU Tigers: I’m in the toughest league and I STILL rule you. Heh, not really. I have just been really annoyed by some things that have happened to some people I know (Including me) due to the insecurities of females.

Well, enough of that. I don’t like talking about that kind of stuff because it usually ends up being a fruitless musing on deaf ears but hey, I needed to get that out. So with that being said, it is time to biz-ounce. I am working on a blog for Monday and I should have it up by tomorrow night. Until then, stay up peeps.

Chachi Out.