Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fighting In The Club? See: Arguing On The Internet. Just Makes You Retarded.

Alright, people. I have one question and one question only to ask…

When do you become too old to fight in the fucking club?

Seriously? Grown ass men fighting in the club because someone had an old ass Kangol on? I mean I think that it should be worn by RUN DMC and Jam Master Jay only but still that aint a reason to beat up on someone! Okay I know that aint the reason that everybody leveled up their Chris Brown materia and went berserk on this guy (Always gotta keep it nerd) but seriously; at what point is fighting in the club justified? Hell, at what point is fighting justified? I have always said that violence is wrong no matter who you are and who you are fighting (Yes, that goes for women two and that is a completely different blog and if you don’t know my stance on that then read the archives. I will make it easy: if you don’t want to get hit, don’t hit anyone) because there is only ONE REASON to ever fight.

Reason #1: The Glory of Love

You can always fight for love but remember you must SWEEP THE LEG, JOHNNY! It is also acceptable to fight to stand out above the crowd but if you are seeing it eye to eye then you shouldn’t have to.

Now I understand that sometimes you may think it is prudent to fight in the club. Someone may disrespect you or your lady-friend for instance. Or even worse, someone could step on your Stacy Adams! Or Stetsons for all you people that go to Cowboys or wherever and good for you. Either way, when you fight in the club you ruin the night for everyone else (Sans the free entertainment that comes from your dipshittery) and you just end up looking like a fuckwit. Yeah, I said it. If you have an issue with someone, take it outside and let everyone else enjoy their rum and cokes or whatever the kids are drinking nowdays. Just stop it, because you fuck things up for everyone else. Just like the damn A-bomb.

Well, I just had to get that out. Sick of the douchery. Oh, and to the six people that asked here is the Countdown for last week:

Again, it would serve you better to go to the YouTube page but people are creatures of habit so there. Also, I am considering doing Douchebrawl again. I didn’t do it for 2009 and I really fricking missed it. I let the web domain lapse on the website name but the old web page still exists so I may bring it back this Spring. Anyway, I am out for now. Stay up and I will be back this weekend.

Chachi Out