Tuesday, June 13, 2006

One Of These Days, Alice...

Hey, peeps. All of you are probably sleeping as I write this, so good morning to you. Brush your damn teeth, too. Morning breath is fun for no one.

First off, good news on the bear front. It seems that there is dissension in the ranks of the polar bear, or as I all them the 'Artic Marines of the Bear Kingdom'. As good as this news may seem to be, lets not forget that the polar bears arent the ones we need to be worried about. Pandas are the real leaders of the Bear Revolution. Quasi-thumbs and the ability to talk (albeit in broken english) make them the biggest threat. Oh, and for those that keep on saying that koalas arent really bears: does it matter when they are ripping off your face? Hells the no, peeps. Remember, cute and cuddly is a disguise. A koala bear can tear your arms off without breaking a sweat.

Now, time for a recurring segement on the blog that has been gone for a while. Here is...


Overrated: Wal-Mart

That's right, I went there. I am really beginning to strongly dislike the Mart. Aside from the fact that the prices are no longer that low, the corporate structure of that company is jacked. They mainly live under the credo of....FUCK THE EMPLOYEE. I have had three friends work for the Mart and say nothing but bad things about the experience. From shitty leadership to even worse co-workers I have heard it all. To top it off, by opening the high end stores in Texas they officially are on 'The List'. Why in the fuck would you buy sushi from WAL-MART?! SUSHI?! I'm sure that's exactly what the NASCAR crowd is looking for when they go to The Mart: a Dale Jr. hat, some Bud and a Dragon Roll and unagi. Yeah the fuck right. Wal-Mart can go to hell and take that freaky smiling, bouncing head with you.

Underrated: Silly Hats

Silly hats rule. Nuff' Said.

Chachi decrees this Friday (6/16/2006) as SILLY HAT DAY!!! Everyone wear your silly hat no matter where you work. Everyone needs a day to just wear a silly hat and let it all go. I think that everyone should put on a silly hat, get in a line and dance to this groovy ditty right here:

CHACHI WA SILLY HAT-O! Three days until Silly Hat Day! Let's get silly!

Well, that is it for now. I always talk about 'The List' so I think I'm gonna do a 'Threatdown' type of segment on the blog once a week. I'll think about it. Stay up, peeps.

Chachi out.