Sunday, March 01, 2009

Question: Has Not Hitting A Bitch Worked For Me? Answer: Sadly A Pimp Named Slickback...No.

Griff was right…

Ya Gotta Beat ’Em To Keep ‘Em

Just like Flavor Flav killed the Civil Rights movement for ALL RACES (Even Koreans. Yes, you too. Trust me, your country is one more season of Flavor of Love away from wearing clocks and Viking hats for no fucking reason), Rihanna has just put women back in the kitchen and out of the voting booth. Now you can say all you want to about “love” and it being “her choice” but in the end this is about logic and principle. The logic is this man beat you like you raped his kitten. Now don’t get it twisted, I have slightly more respect for women than I do for Michael Vick because at least women haven’t destroyed a football franchise (Albeit short term it seems) but there was no reason for this. I will reiterate it is her choice and it isn’t my business to judge her on her merit and intentions but I can judge her on her actions. And her actions are of those that I have said for years that women need to let the fuck go of:

"Just because you have the right to MAKE a decision doesn’t excuse you from making a BAD decision."

There, I said it. You see, you have the right to do whatever you want to because we as Americans hold certain truths to be self evident and all that other blah-blah-blah-yakkity-smackity. One big thing that comes with rights and freedoms of choice the responsibility to be held accountable for your ACTIONS, not necessarily your motives. Just like SWIMMING WITH STINGRAYS. Asshole. We will never know why Chris Brown delivered the most awesome beating ever documented since the San Francisco vs. Denver Broncos second Super Bowl and it really isn’t our place to judge his motives because I firmly disagree in the “it is never RIGHT hit a woman” bullshit because EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING has done something worthy of a swift ass-kicking but you SHOULDN’T hit a woman. Big difference, ladies because some people aren’t going to abide by that so if you don’t put yourself in a situation to get lit up like an early Roy Jones Jr. fight then odds are you won’t. However, we can judge Chris Brown by his ACTIONS and as one who is against the term “domestic violence” as much as I am against the term “hate crime” I honestly believe this issue is he assaulted someone, not the fact he assaulted his girlfriend. Had he done the exact same thing to T-Pain or some random nigga on the street I would feel the exact same way: he broke the law and if the parties want to pursue legal action then he should be held under the same legal ramifications and subject to the same legal standards whether he HIT A MAN OR A WOMAN. However, since Rihanna’s dumb ass doesn’t seem to be pressing charges either there is more to the story or she is in love with a beater. Better than being in love with a stripper but still.

So at the end of the day of the biggest “nigga news” story since Lil Wayne/Baby’s Thuggin-Love-Lip-Lock-Gate, what have we learned? Not a god damn thing. This happens so often on a non-public and smaller scale that anyone who says “she was so stupid!” or “I can’t believe he is getting away with it!” is being naïve and is rather a fucking asshat and your asshatery has no place in a society where people know that there are just some people that are going to do what they feel is best even if you think it is self-destructive because they don’t believe they are being harmful to themselves or others. This is a perfect case of that theory. Stop saying that Chris Brown isn’t sorry and that Rihanna is stupid but also stop saying that Chris Brown is “brave for admitting what he did” and that Rihanna is a brave soul and a “survivor” (Not being able to dodge a punch doesn’t make you a survivor. BEING SURVIVOR MAKES YOU A SURVIVOR!):

They are two people who are barely old enough to vote and drink that did something stupid. The end. She forgave him and so should you (Yeah, I feel the same way about slavery. Christopher Titus apologized for it! It’s cool now!). Too bad the public had to see their dipshittery but that is life. So this is the last I will speak on this unless Chris Brown relapses because Rihanna aint putting enough stank on the track. I BEEN DONE TOLD YOU, ADE MAY! YOU CAN’T SEE BREEZY CUZ HE UP IN…HE-YAH! You see? Just like rape, racism, Pedo Bear and the occasional non-consensual anal sex…domestic violence can be funny.

Now if you excuse me, I am out. Classic Chachi tomorrow as I really think some of you bitches need to know what the Zebra Theory is once again. Until then, one word: MOFABO!

Chachi Out