Sunday, October 19, 2008

Suck My News, Fool!

What is up, peeps! It is a lazy Sunday and since the Atlanta Falcons have a bye I really have nothing going on today. So, I guess I will do something I haven’t done in about a year. Time for a news wrap-up, peeps!

Chachi’s News Week Wrap-up!

First off, I want to start off with my big story of the news week!

Biggest Story: Colin FINALLY Gives The Finger To The Fucktards!

You know what, leave it to Colin Powell to drop the bomb on racist, fringe-conservative, ignorant Republicans out there in a metaphoric sense. They are focusing on the wrong thing and Colin called them on it and said what I have been saying for YEARS about this quasi-racist sentiment of linking radical Muslims with Blacks. Barack Obama is a Christian and I don’t care but Colin laid it out for you dimwitted fucks better than anyone has this year:


I mean seriously. This schism that the Republican party is trying to create by paining people that support Obama as “un-American” is honestly the most un-American thing you can do (Or the most American thing you can do if you consider that this country has been about since it…well, BEGAN. Remember the Indians? Yeah, me neither). People believe different than you, does that make them unpatriotic? I think the need for guns has passed, but I am not against the Second Amendment. Does that make me a fucking terrorist? I think abortions should be legal for all no matter what the issue because at the end of the day it isn’t the government’s decision what people do with their bodies. Does that make me a supporter of blowing up federal buildings? Hell no. This attempting to break up America into two parts has been something I have been against for about a decade now and it came back with the whole 2000 election fiasco and the “Red State/Blue State” bullshit that has made it okay to be a racist, bigot, sexist or my all-time favorite religious nutball. Seriously, people need to take their “religion” and their “values” out of my political process because you are fucking doing it wrong. There is a very high probability that we will have our first Halfrican-American president on November 4th and the more you sow the seeds of hate, prejudice and fuckery the sweeter it will be when he wins. Although Colin Powell pretty much hitched his trolley car to the winning bullet train, it was still a big announcement solely because of what he said about the attacks. He shot them down with more eloquence and conviction than anyone so far. He literally said “SO THE FUCK WHAT” about everything and said “Is that really an issue to you? I mean really? Are you that fucking petty?” which is what I have been saying for about eight months now. That’ll do, Colin. That’ll do.

Story That Pissed Me Off The Most: FUCK THE BOSTON RED SOX!

Okay, I have said for years that baseball is either fixed or just hates me because there is no need for Boston to be everywhere at all points in times. Now it was okay when the Celtics won the NBA Championship because the team is all-Black and something about an all-Black team in Boston winning a CHAMPIONSHIP while making millions of dollars off of White people I find comical. Don’t know why, but it makes me feel special, mainly because I fucking hate Boston and the Irish can eat a dick after they drink their whiskey and beat their wife. Not even in that order all the time. But being a sports fan I understand the love fans have for their team. However, Boston Red Sox fans need to shut the fuck up. I mean REALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP. Outside of Boston no one likes your team and outside of Boston and Chicago (Another city full of unfulfilled ambition) no one gives a fuck about baseball anymore. It isn’t your fault, it is the fault of steroids and the blind eye all of us turned to it. Either way, I am sick of hearing about “Tha Sawks” and their grammar-challenged fans. Baseball sucks and so do you.

Well, that is all for now. Cutting this news update short because I am hella sleepy.I will try to be back up Tuesday with a new post (Maybe tomorrow, depends on how I am feeling) but until then, stay up peeps.

Chachi Out.