Monday, May 07, 2007

Black U.N.I.T.Y... The Greatest of All Oxymorons.

Good morning peeps! Well, the hangover from the awesomeness that was Spiderman 3 begins as I feel like that time in Vegas when I hung out with Winky Wright’s entourage at the MGM before his fight in 2005. My god…I seriously misplaced my pants. And I never went to a gentleman’s club again. Great success!

Anyway, can I just say I am fed up with this whole ‘George Bush has the lowest approval rating since Steve Catraper in 1874!’ crap? Last I checked you can’t impeach a president for being unpopular or unbelievably incompetent. This isn’t the NBA, and he can’t be suspended for being a thug or a moron. I wish he could, but this is America. Not Happy Snapdragon and Lollipop Fun-Time Land. Grin and bear it and when the time comes for a change, make it. Just don’t vote for Obama. Please, I REALLY don’t want to see him shot. He seems like a nice enough guy but White people would FLIP over a Black President and don’t let them tell you otherwise. We are cool to shoot your basketballs and make your music but run your country? Nigga, please. It’s the White House, not the Swisha House. Now that is funny as hell.

Okay, it is rant time. Oh, it is SO rant time. I don’t think I have ever done an official rant on Black women in general so it is about that damn time. Now people that know me are well know about my struggles with Black women. Well, women in GENERAL but Black women in particular. You see, back in college all I heard was shit from Black women (especially after I joined the Black Student Union…all six of us) because all I was ever seen with was white women. Keep in mind, this is Colorado, not Atlanta or Detroit but there was some truth to their observation. The simple fact is that none of the women wanted to date me. Hell, no woman wants to date me let alone Black women. Yet, no matter what I did I was ‘selling out’ (an actual term used on me) for who I associated with. So I am letting it known now, I am a tad bit biased.

With that being said, there seems to be a big flap after the Don Imus situation about the perception of Black women by Black men and America as a whole. The ‘nappy headed hoes’ comment has died down (FINALLY) but the issue is now how they are looked at and why someone would say that. First off, no one sees Black women as ‘nappy headed hoes’ because the majority of Black women have weaves. Yeah, I went there. Don Imus got paid to be controversial and an outright jerkass. I am not defending his actions or his words, but I am just giving you the reason. I don’t think I have used the word ‘nappy’ since like…middle school. No one has aside from the rap group ‘Nappy Roots’ and they are long gone. So Black women need to let that go because it wasn’t funny and it wasn’t said out of perception of the players, it was said for ratings.

Now for what I think is the REAL issue here is about Black women being called ‘hoes’. Well, that is a problem that has been around for a while and you know what…


There, I said it. And here is WHY I say that. You see, the argument has always been that ‘if you didn’t act like that, no one would call you that’ and although there is some arrogance and ignorance to that statement…there is truth in it. The sad fact is that ‘image is perception’ and I learned that a long time ago. I can name three interviews (Insight, Verizon and Canon) where I had two phone interviews that went well and then the final face to face interview began with ‘…YOU are William?’ and I know what they meant. I am not the next MLK or Obama but I believe I am a great speaker and I have been told several times I am an awesome interviewee. I see when someone is shocked the person they have been talking to is Black. And it hurts because I know they were expecting me to be ‘Gives me this job, fool! I gots skills!’ but I wasn’t and it shocked them. Don’t even get me started about the clubs here and my treatment at the Cherry Creek/Flatirons Malls. So I know what it is like to not be something and just because of perception being treated poorly. I know all Black women are not hoes. To think so is asinine. However, image is perception. And the image is that Black women are not respected by Black men and are treated as sex objects. Where would people get that idea?

Have you seen a rap video or listened to a hip hop song in the last…10 years? Have you seen a movie in the last 5 years? Black women have to take to task a major issue. The image portrayed in those videos has women used as sex objects. And they aint CGI, thems is real women. Since White people avoid Black people at all costs, all they have to base their views on us is television. Not only that, since the only strong Black female on TV is Oprah and… Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach it’s hard to find someone to look up to for young Black women. All they have are video vixens and Beyonce (which is even WORSE) to emulate and either way, they are going down the wrong path.

The sad part is that Black women want to blame Black men for this. Now I personally don’t want to take the blame for ANY OF IT individually because I don’t even know any Black people anymore. However, I will man up and take a brunt of the responsibility because I do believe that a lot of the issue lies there. Black men need to grow the hell up. Part of it is learning how to treat women. I had my chivalry rant a few weeks ago and it falls in line. For so many young Black men raised in single mother households I don’t know why they have such horrible views of women. I mean the amount of single Black mothers is disgusting and the way I hear men talk to them is even worse, just disrespectful and full of bad English. Yet…and this is my observation (I people watch at the club, I’m a geek like that); the problem is that the majority of Black women accept it.

I won’t say as a whole but they must be for it to be going on for so long. The treatment of Black women hasn’t changed since 1992, just the fashions have changed. From high top fades and Cross Colors to cornrows and G-Unit. The words are the same offensive crap, and the result is the same. And sistas, you are at fault for this one. I have noticed that women mistake ignorance for confidence and arrogance for power. The fact is that men are rather unoriginal when it comes to females. For the most part, they do what others say will work. If all a Black male sees is women fawning and dropping it like it’s hot for men with money, power and some sort of respect (I’m from the streets, bitch!) then that is how he will act. People are NOT as smart as we give them credit for, we see it every day. The fix to the treating and perception of Black women as hoes is simple and twofold:

BLACK WOMEN: Don’t Accept It
BLACK MEN: Don’t Expect It.

It is really that simple. Women, don’t dance to shitty songs in the club that degrade women and make you out to be skeezers. It is that simple. Don’t request them on the radio, don’t buy the album, don’t download the ringtone and for CHRIST’S SAKE DON’T SING IT IN THE CLUB! If I hate the song T-Pain when HE sings it, when you and your drunken gaggle of friends sing it doesn’t make it any better. Expect more from men, too. Ladies, if you expect that all men are trying to fuck you then consciously or sub-consciously that is what you will get. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, I lived it everyday. Hell, I still live it.

Oh and Black men; just stop. Think about it like this. Would you appreciate if a man treated your mother or sister the way you treat Black women? If the answer is no then STOP AND ACT LIKE YOU GOT SOME GODDAMN SENSE! If the answer is yes then call Jimmy Iovine for your record deal because you are the next 50 Cent…you stupid Black bastard. Just because some Black women are trifling and only want thugs or money (Women don’t get that being a thug is NOT A GOOD THING!) doesn’t mean you have to ‘buy that shorty a drank’ or get a ‘chain reaction’ from your gaudy ass jewelry. Not all women out there are carbon copies of video chicks, so stop acting like you are Young Fucking-Jeezy. And you aint no pimp, dude. Pimps get hoes, not ladies. Now THAT is real talk. Marinate on that, fishes.

In closing, young Black ladies don’t pop, lock and drop it. Blame men, media and society all you want in the end it is about keeping it real to yourself. If you aren’t a hoe, don’t act like one and then you are justified in busting a fool in the mouth for treating you like one. If you ARE a hoe then dammit, be the best hoe out there! Reach for the bling and believe in your inner whore and one day you can be the greatest gold digging hoochie in history! And always remember; if you are gonna be a gold digger, never go after any broke…broke:

Heh, I still think that song is stupid as hell. Seriously, Black women respect yourself and you pretty much demand it from Black men. They better get with it or stand to the side. Talib Kweli, peeps. Sometimes hip hop can still be poetry.

Well, that had been working my nerves for a few days and I needed to let that out. I HAVE to do a rant on dumb ass dudes and how they ruin things for the rest of us (Rick knows what I am talking about. You are a braver man than I to put up with that shit for so long). If anyone deserves to be drug out in the street and beaten with a baseball bat it is dumb ass dudes. That may be up this week so stay tuned. Until then…

Restecp Each’ova. Big ups to Chachi.