Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You Just Got Kerry Served

Good morning peeps! I am back for a mid-week update. I really find it funny that people are upset about the John Kerry comment. The truth really must hurt. Let's face it, America doesnt send its best and brightest onto the battlefield. That would be stupid. I live near an Army base and the new class of troop arent exactly the few and the proud. They are the ones that would do it. Zach said it best, they are just kids from Bumfuck, Nebraska who are looking for adventure and to get the hell out of dodge. There is a lot of stupidity in that statement but there is a lot of validity and truth to it. Until the draft comes back. And that train is a rolling in like a bull moose. Big ups to Kerry for saying a stupid ass truth. I cant believe I voted for Ol' Easter Island Head. At least he aint backing down from them Republicans. KERRY, FOOL! WHAT!

So this article just caught my eye. All I can say is hells yeah! HELLS YEAH! HELLS FUCKING YEAH!!! SPEED RACER FOOL!!! Man, this is almost as big as the Voltron movie and Spiderman 3 (something tells me that the Transformers movie will suck ass, especially with Optimus Prime being a fucking Hummer and Megatron being a rubber mallet because Spielberg is fucking high) for me. The year 2008 has a chance to rock for movies. To bad its like 2 years away and odds are I will be in jail for my Hinoi Team videos. Eh, thems the breaks. Even still, I will keep my eyes on this movie for the peeps and give you updates.

Well, sorry so short but that is all for now. I will be back soon, peeps. Stay up.

Live, Laugh and Love.