Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Morning peeps! I had to get this out of the way. WHAT THE FUCK?! Who in the hell cast this fucker?! After the kick-assedness that was Batman Begins, they had to fuck it all up by bringing in HEATH LEDGER?! Come on, I have seen more acting talent from Paris Hilton. Although I have never seen her ACT as much as portray a whore very well. Jesus 'Sweet Tits' CHrist I need a damn drink.

So my car is doing okay now. The slave cylinder blew the hell out (which is just a bolt and a paper plate. Refreshes me to know it is not major but it pisses me off that it is just a peice of cheddar with a screw in it) so they had the clean the engine and put everything back in. I should have it back by this evening so its not ALL bad. I still looked online and it seems to be a running problem with the Saturn Vue line since 2002. Not a good sign, IMHO. But hey, I bought American so it's my own fucking fault. The Duece is back on the road, sexy ladies in the house cover your ass!

So this Mel Gibson situation gets better by the minute. First the DUI, then the anti-semetic remarks (Ah, so the Passion was life imitating bullshit. I said it, Jesus wasn't real just like sprites and unity in the damn Middle East) now the mugshot. Tell me he doesnt LOOK BATSHIT CRAZY! The man is fucking nuts. I'm talking well past Tom Cruise crazy. At least Tom's excuse is that he could have been brainwashed (which I don't doubt, Scientology is the mindfuck of all mindfucks). Mel Gibson is just one light short of a marquee. A lot of lights actually, that man's power supply for rationality and common sense is GONE. Take one look at that picture and tell me you would let him around your kids. If you say yes, you are probably one of the asshats that needed thebaby shaking campaign. Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to say that I said it first: Mel Gibson is fucking NUTS. I said that after 'Braveheart' but you cannot convince white people that movie didn't eat ass. Get over it, that movie sucked ass.

Well, that is all for now. I am pretty much handing 'Douche of the Week' to Heath Ledger for fucking up Batman. We are talking PAST George Clooney levels here, peeps. I really will have to kill Heath Ledger. Man, I don't wanna have to go to jail for that asshole, but it has to be done. We gots to head to Hollywood and stop those fucks from making that movie. Peeps, transform and roll out! Eh, screw it. I will be back tomorrow (I think. I will play it by ear)

Stay up, peeps.

Live, Love and Laugh.