Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Know, I Know. I Am As Reliable As A Catholic Condom.

What is up peeps?! Yes, I know it has been a while so just stop with the “WHERE THE HELL YOU BEEN AT, NIGGA?!” before it even starts. It has been a rather interesting last few months and those of you that know me know what’s up but those that don’t just know there has been a good reason why I have been gone. Takes time to write and I have been a tad bit occupied. I’m sorry and I promise to be up more often. I know I say that a lot but I will be up when it hits me.

With that being said, its time for….

Where You Been At?!

Yep, I Am Officially Old

Well, I turned 31 a few months back in September and I must say…it was a good night but the feeling has become underwhelming. When I turned 29, I was in such a panic because I was unemployed and wondering if it was time to just give up and be a gigolo:

Worked for David Lee Roth and those of you that know me understand the hilarity of this video in reference to that last paragraph. At the same time…life goes on without me. Sad and lonely! Sad and lonely! Yeah, three people get that and that is why we are homies for life.

But when I turned 30…I realized that you are only where you are because you haven’t gotten to where you want to be. You are only as stuck as you allow yourself to be and although I have realized that a few times over the years when times get rough you do forget that fact. So it was at that point that I decided to make moves to get to where I want to be and getting older no longer became a hassle or a fear. When I was in my 20’s I dreaded hitting 30. Now that it happened and especially since when I turned 31 I did the exact same thing that I do when I hang out with my friends anyway I learned that getting older only gets hard if you don’t actually grow up. Anyone that knew me in my mid-20’s knows…I was a fucking HOT MESS before the term even existed but I always learned from my asshatery which meant I was always learning shit. So as I got into my late 20’s and eventually thirty I had done all my stupidity and now all the new stuff (Except for one…Joey knows what I’m talking about! Amirite? Man, I am such a BITCH!) is just Version 2.0 of old stuff and I can handle because I am mad at myself for doing the same shit twice. Getting older is learning from mistakes no matter how often they come. That’s what 30 will teach you. That’s about it, though.

Women Don’t Get Better With Age

Yeah, I said it. From first-hand experience (The book of my life is coming soon and I honestly believe Charlie Sheen would even be disappointed) and the direct experience of others I have realized that a high percentage of women don’t get better with age. They don’t even get worse. They just stay the damn same. It took a minute to realize but the same non-sensical views about chivalry and relationship roles girls have at 20 are the exact same non-sensical views about chivalry and relationship roles women have at 40. Men should open doors and revere them despite them having no character trait or redeeming quality to speak of. I’m sorry but if a woman is something to be attained and prized you have to bring more to the table than a vagina. Learn a fucking knock-knock joke or some shit! Better yet, watch the Sarah Silverman Program and take a few notes:

Nothing hotter than a woman that is FUNNY crazy, not ignore all laws and statutes because she wants to do something “special” despite being told to stay the fuck away crazy.

Don’t get me wrong, men have done NOTHING to help this situation. In my opinion the downfall of man has directly attributed to the fuckery of women. I told a friend today after meeting another friends boyfriend last week that it felt like girls just went to the back of an American Eagle Outfitters and went to the “Bro-Tastic & Hipster Boyfriend Maker” and picked one out of the boyfriend rotisserie. Then there are Black men…which I don’t know many aside from those I knew in high school. I can say this: I TRULY understand why Black women are frustrated…and it’s your own fault. This actually goes for all women. As you get older and realize there is some shit from a man that you won’t tolerate (No job, no car, no kids, etc.) WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO TOLERATE IT?! If I hear another female friend complain about their man not having a job or having to deal with driving him around or issues with his kids/ex-wife/crazy ex-babymama I will have a Professor Chang freakout:

Do understand, I have said this for years and you all just don’t listen. I will say it ONE LAST TIME:

Men are creatures of habit.

If you sit back and say you are upset about something he does and then you let him continue to do it…HE WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT BECAUSE HE IS A CREATURE OF HABIT! Unless you curb the behavior and stop putting up with men doing dumb shit they will continue to do dumb shit! Hence why R&B sucks, the number of baby mamas is on the rise and Tyler Perry hasn’t been taken into the street and beaten with whiffle bats.

In the end, this is something I said to a friend of mine and I don’t honestly think I am wrong about this anymore. Now this isn’t ALL women just like ALL men don’t like to bro out with the bros rather than take their woman out to see A Christmas Carol. However, it is rather true:

The major issue is the majority of women we interact with aren’t fun and have no personalities because they have been taught since birth that that are objects to be desired and attained. Therefore HE should have culture and HE should have personality because HE needs those to win YOU. So they never have to actually be engaging or witty. Cold? Yes. True? Partially. Needed to be said, though.

It can actually be put best in the words of an old rhetor…

All I say is for help, not to hurt. Live, laugh and learn peeps. It’s good to be back.

Chachi Out