Monday, May 14, 2007

What Am I Gonna Do About My Legs?!

What is up, peeps! Chachi is back on the scene for the first day of the workweek! Hope everyone enjoyed their Mother’s Day (especially Deb, to whom I didn’t say anything to for the first time in a while. I’m sorry!) this past weekend! Now that it’s over, the next big thing is Memorial Day (for which I am planning on a four day weekend!) and you know its PARTY TIME!

So what brings me out of my Monday stupor to post today? The ignorance that is Black people. Now you all know I despise Bill Cosby, not because of his views (which I totally agree with, Blacks need to grow up big time) but his delivery which is coming from someone who created Fat Albert which is SUCH a accurate and positive portrayal of Black youths. I was reading Mediatakeout and they had an article about Charles Barkley talking ignorant. I figured ‘business as usual’ because Charles Barkley is always saying something but I am entertained by Sir Charles like I am by the neighborhood spastic so I had to take a gander. And THIS is what they called ignorant:

Question: In some quarters Barack [Obama] has been criticized for not being black enough.

Well, that's because black people are fucked up. One of the reasons that black people are not going to be successful is because of other black people. We tell black kids that if they make good grades, they are acting white. If they speak well, we tell them that they are acting white. We have a lot of demons in our own closet--in our own family--that we have to address. But first of all, we want black men to be intelligent and articulate and things like that. That's not acting white. That's the way it should be. ... We become our own worst enemy with random black-on-black crime, teen pregnancy, single-parent homes. You know we cannot blaming white America for our ills. Does racism exist? Of course it does. But, at some point, I have to make sure I am educated. I don't have ten kids and no job. I am not killing other black people. At some point, you have to grow up.

Okay, did you read that? Okay good. Non-Black people, at this point I would like you to go ahead and look at the older posts or skip to the bottom. I need to talk to the Black people for a second. It’s cool, we aren’t talking about you. Are they gone? Good. Okay, Black people. Read the above statement again and tell me if there is ANY falsity in that. If you say yes, get your 50 Cent and Nelly CD’s and get the fuck off my blog because you are a moron. Charles is right. I have been saying this since HIGH SCHOOL when I got called ‘White’ and ‘uppity’ because I liked to, oh I don’t know fucking enunciate. The fact is that we don’t like Black people that aren’t in line with the stereotypes because we reinforce them ourselves. I have said it about women for years with the accepting of images in the media and the same thing applies here. By saying that Obama Barack isn’t Black because he is light-skinned (Which is sweet, SWEET irony because I remember when dark-skinned brothers weren’t in. All that changed after New Jack City. Thanks, Wesley!) and uses words not used on BET or the latest Young Jeezy single is self-defeating and just keeps in line that Blacks don’t appreciate shit. Rick James was right; Fuck yo’ couch, nigga! FUCK YO’ COUCH!

Charles Barkley has said some really stupid things but this wasn’t one of them. The fact is that there are several types of Blacks just like there are several types of Whites. Hell, most White people try to be Black ANY-FUCKING-WAY so we are all a mish-mash. Except for Asians. I have been saying they are the new Whites since 2003. I love the fact that there are multiple segments of the Black community. At the same time, there is one that is prevelant and that segement is not only the segment that other races expect but sadly Blacks do, too. That segment is ‘niggers’. Yeah, I said it again. Seriously, when was the last time a ‘nigger’ got anything accomplished? On time, anyway? I’m sorry, but the LAST thing we need is fucking Snoop Dogg or Tony Yayo as President. Well, Tony Yayo is a bully and Gee Dubya is the King of Bullies so that asshat might be a good fit. No, nix that. Obama is just a Black as anyone else out there…except Wesley Snipes. That man in INDIGO. Oh, I went there.

The rest of the article is what pisses me off. No one EVER wants to take themselves to task for their faults. I do it everyday, so I know it can hurt. It makes you feel inadequet and it makes you question yourself and sometimes you question your self-worth. It hurts to come to grips with being overweight, unattractive, jaded or not living up to your potential (which I am guilty of all of the above) but you know what? Tough shit, you need to work it out and fix it if you can. Black people need to accept the fact that yes White people may have put you in a bad situation from their past actions, but your INACTION and the lack of motivation of the Black community as a whole is what keeps you there. If you follow the steps to get to the point of being able to succeed (get out of ‘trap house’ and get a real fucking job, go to school and get an education) and YOU STILL can’t get a job then you can say the man is holding you down. However, if you are sitting on your couch at 2:30 in the afternoon saying that as you watch a National American University commercial then the fault is your own. You can’t blame anyone for your situation but you if you don’t fucking try.

I hate the phrase ‘cleaning up our own closet’. You know why? Sometimes, when you have too much shit in your closet you kind of have to get rid of some of the crap and start with the original stuff you had and add some new items to round it out. The fact is there are some Blacks that don’t care and aren’t going to change. Counting them keys or whatever is fine for them. Having four baby daddy’s with five kids and living on assistance is quite alright for some. Spending money on rims and jewelry instead of investing in a suit is good enough for some. You know what? We don’t need them. They will do nothing but complain on the trip asking ‘Are we there yet’ and ‘Hey, it that Mims? Turn that shit up!’ and we TOTALLY don’t need that on the road to self-respectability. I say focus on the youth, where we still have a chance to fix them and help them see that knowledge is a privilege, not whack (do the kids still say that?). Whites left behind the inbred hillbillies that didn’t vote and drug them down. We need to do the same. They don’t want to change, that is fine. By changing the rest of us they will either stand up or move to the side. The Revolution has no time for niggas because they love to be hate and they hate to hurry!

Oh, and White people. Shut the fuck up. Seriously, you aren’t helping anything by questioning every five minutes whether Obama Barack is actually Black enough. Black people are gullible as hell and you know it. No Black person questions Hillary’s femininity (and boy….it is questionable) or the mental state of John McCain (who RULES but is bordering on Ross Perot levels of insanity about the war) or the sexiness of John Edwards (he is a Presidential hottie!) so quit throwing salt in Obama’s game. Whites may be the biggest cock-blockers in the history of the world because if you put Obama against Skelator…err…Dick Cheney he would SO WIN because he doesn’t look like he just brutally ate 10 puppies for sustenance. Don’t even get me started on Guliani’s crazy ass, he looks like he is trying to find the Smurfs and turn them into gold. The only people hating on Obama more than Black people are White people. Stop hatin, bitches! Unlike Hispanics, they love Obama. Obama es muy bueno! Si!

In closing:

Black People: Get a grip and grow the fuck up.
White People: Quit hatin! You bunch of sucka emcees!
Asian People: You guys are the new White. Run with that shit!
Hispanic People: Remember: Dick Cheney kidnaps small Hispanic children for their souls. Don’t vote for him. Okay, that may or may not be true. For this, I am saying it is.

That was my rant for today. Had to get that out, it had actually been bugging me for about a month or so. Sad, seeing as I only have two Black friends (Griff and Carl) for the most part so my rants are doing a non-service. Eh, thems the breaks. Well, I am out for now. I may be back up tomorrow. I bid thee adieu. See, no one says adieu. Or tomfoolery. *sigh* I’m a dork.

Chachi Out.
(Note: I am aware the Player on the side for the Countdown isnt working. Fileden has upload restrictions so I am working on it. I will have it back up as soon as I can.)