Saturday, March 31, 2007

You Know, I Learned Something ELSE Today...

Okay, pretty jacked up day today. I did take these gems away from it:

1) 'Throw Some Cheese' remix of 'Throw Some Ds' could be a Top Ten hit.
2) Griff needs to learn how to keep his fucking mouth shut. There are some things I have kept hidden for a decade, and he tried to ruin that shit. Good job, fucky.
3) Cosmix sucks. I mean seriously, they have been expanding that fucking highway since Wu Tang Clan was popular.
4) I get pwned at Tekken. Yeah, I am 'teh suck' and Griff schooled me....
5) ....BUT I WILL ROCK YOUR FACE IN MADDEN! Yeah, if it wasnt for a botched kick and DeAngelo Hall falling down I would have had a shut out. I had 500 yards of total offense from the FALCONS.
6) I am the TRIVIA MASTER. Bring it, I challenge anyone and will crush all comers. David Bowie may have been at the head of the craze, but I mastered it.
7) People are DISGUSTING. Someone left a stinky mud baby in the urinal at Dave & Busters. Just....fucking wrong.
8) Hello Kitty rules, fool! Used my 10 speed ticket fund to pick up a few Hellu Kitty things. Pez despenser. Does it GET any cooler?!
9) House of the Dead 4 is AWESOME. Yeah, aside from Griff using his grenade to kill ONE PERSON it was a kickass game. Except the ending sucked it dry.
10) I missed midgets. It could have been like a field goal extravaganza of kicked little people! SHIT!

Oh, and some dipfuck bumped my car in the parking lot. I wanted to take the beating stick to it, but then I'M at fault. Crazy world. Oh, and no more round-a-bouts in the CSP until you can make it through the first one. England can use them because they drive on the wrong side and are used to it. Trust me, it makes sense. Americans on the other hand are FUCKING STUPID and cant drive on an OVAL. Think about it.

Meh, I am off to play God of War II before bed. Be sure to vote in Douchebrawl! Polls close tonight!

Chachi Out.