Monday, January 30, 2006

I just....I just don't know.

Man, today sucked. Interviewing sucks ass, especially when you really don't want the job. I really need to learn to say, 'You know what? Your company sucks and odds are I would just end up screwing off on the internet if I DID accept the job.' No different than any other job I've had, but at least I would be upfront with them this time. Well, Monday prepares you for the rest of the week and man, it can go up a lot from here.

Anyway, normally this is the time where you would get a rant from me. Shockingly, not today. Aside from the fact that Kevin Federline is still allowed to breathe, nothing has really set me off today. I'm sure something will bug me by Wednesday.

This was close to becoming my rant for the day. Griff, 'Perfect Hair Forever' is stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. However, this is rather funny:

Speaking of stupid, does anyone really watch 'Girls Gone Wild' videos? Jesus, the same thing happens at the club and its free! And no dirty feelings afterward. Geez, sometime I really wonder if we are 'de-evolving' as humans. Not a real word, but it fits the situation.

Sorry so short today, peeps. I'm of to bed for now. Stay up.

Chachi out.