Sunday, November 23, 2008

Uncle Ben: Molding Heroes And Making Dinner Complete Since 1948...

What is up, people?! I am back for a Sunday night update which is rare seeing as how early I have to wake up now. What can I say; I truly love the peeps.

You know one thing I haven’t done in a long ass time? Rant. It has been at least five months since I have sat back, put my mind to it and really just laid someone out with my anger. I think my last rant was against bros and well…they seem to be going away. Except where I work but that is a conversation for another day and time. I will just say this, right here and right now:


I mean balls deep in the brown sea gay. Anyway, I have kept rather quiet about the national elections solely for the fact that although I didn’t really matter who won, I just didn’t want the Irish fuck to win. Nothing personal, I just don’t like old, Irish men. Don’t even get me STARTED about a woman in the White House. The only place a woman should be in the White House is behind a stove, on her knees, or being wrapped up in a carpet to be tossed into a river, Kennedy style. Oh yeah…I said it.Therefore, the loss by John McCain and Sarah Palin was very sweet to me because I didn’t want to see the modern day version of Archie Bunker and Fran Dresher running the country. I would rather have not had the mulatto (Mmm…delicious cookie) and the other old honkey cracker win but as Jesus Christ will tell you, we can’t win them all. Either way, I win and White people lose. Therefore, it is an EPIC WIN for me. But I have to say...White folks are REALLY TRIPPIN about this one. I haven’t seen White people this mad since Ruben Studdard beat out Clay Aiken. Here is the thing about that; Clay Aiken turned out to be as gay as the American flag is tacky (Yeah, I said it! The flag is too busy! A few less stars and some more bling blong would hip it up) and if there is one thing that Conservatives hate it is a cocktail…fruit. Which is doubly sweet for me because whenever a gay gets married, baby Jesus cries. I mean, can it GET ANY FUCKING BETTER?! Still pissed off about California and Prop 8 but once again, you can’t win them all. Unless you are Rick Astley.

So enough on that. I just had to comment on the inability for White people to take a loss with dignity like every Black boxer that lost to Rocky Marciano did. All…three. Back on the lack of ranting. A lot of it has been about a REALLY SHITTY FALL (August to October was the worst time ever) but for the most part my rants have been cut back because it seemed like I ranted about the same thing over and over again. It was either about:

1. Bros
2. Niggas
3. Women
4. Jesus
5. Phillip Michael Thomas

There were some video game rants tossed in there for good measure but for the most part I was ranting about variations of the exact same subject which is fine because I always thought it was fun and the peeps seemed to enjoy it. Then I began to notice something. Women took my rants way too literal. Whether they touched a little too close to home or they felt I was talking about them (Which odds are if you THINK I was talking directly to your dumb ass then I was. You know who you are and you know what I mean) there were times that it felt like my rants were being taken as a direct insult to them and their person.

Well, first off you would be wrong to assume that. I am making a judgment by your ACTIONS as women (And in some cases in the blog individual females themselves and their dipshittery) because I have learned that motive is in the person and you really can’t judge what that is because with women, a lot of time THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEIR MOTIVE IS. You can say I am wrong, but if your motive for staying with someone who treats you like shit is fear then I am sorry but your logic is flawed. As is the justice system but once again, you can’t win them all. So if you are a female out there and you think that what I have to say about the actions of women is unfair then stop being idiots and go from there. It’s like I say about rappers: if you don’t want people to say rap is violent and misogynistic then stop shooting at each other and sluttifying women in your videos. You don’t want to be considered a whore, STOP FUCKING RANDOM DUDES. I don’t see what is so hard about that.

Which leads me to a rant (See, you knew this was leading SOMEWHERE). Friday night on my way home (or it may have been Saturday) I was talking to a friend about a conversation I had with a certain someone about the concept of drunken club love. You know what I mean so I won’t even go into it more. What concerned me is her response when I stated that when to drunk people have sex, they are both evenly at fault for being dumb enough as man and woman to get themselves into that situation in the first place:

“No, it’s ALWAYS the man’s fault!”

Are you fucking shitting me? Ladies, I need some clarification in this one because I find it hard to believe that YOU STILL BELIEVE that “the man should know to stop” is a logical defense for stupidity. It is 2008 now and it is completely illogical with as much information that is out there and how smart and strong women claim to be that they still believe that they don’t have to take responsibility for the choice of drinking or illogical actions. Now the first thing that she said when I called the concept of blaming the man completely “illogical” is that “a man should know better not to take advantage of a woman when she is drunk!” and while I have PERSONAL VIEWS about that shit (Ask me if you really want to know but for the sake of this rant I will bypass them) let’s really look at this. Now if you read this thing or know me at all you know I think that the act of rape is reprehensible. It is a horrible crime. However, much like I feel that blatant racism is disgusting I also know that there are people out there that will use the aspect of racism for their own means. Whether it is a buffer for a lack of talent (Some Black quarterbacks out there) or as a reason for being passed over despite being grossly unqualified. I find using racism as an unfair advantage even WORSE than actual racism because I honestly believe no one wants to question it. Let’s parallel this and say I never want to question a woman’s word when she says she has been raped but as the story unfolds, you have to ask yourself something:

At what point do you hold yourself accountable for questionable actions?

Now understand this: two drunk people having sex is just two drunk people having sex. Period. It isn’t rape or anything else. It is two fucktards not having the common sense to know that your mind is chemically altered when you drink and your thoughts are clouded. It isn’t his fault for going along with it and saying “you know, she can’t really stand up so maybe doing it in the butt is okay!” as much as it isn’t HER fault for ending up wherever she was when it happened or even better having that fourth Long Island Iced Tea. I will say it again: it’s like two drunk drivers getting in an accident with no one else on the road. You can’t blame the one with the lower BAC or the more experienced driver. They are both at fault and they live with the consequences. Now you can go to civil court and sue for damages but where is the logic in that when your drunk ass hit someone elses drunk ass? Same with two people having drunken sex whether it is on a date (To which I say if I take you to dinner and you eat it up, uh, you going home with me) or just a random encounter at a club (To which I say if I buy you a drink and you drink it up then, uh, you going home with me). I’ll let Jermaine Dupri tell it:

All kidding aside, mostly because I don’t buy women drinks. Bitches don’t deserve the nog. The whole point of this post is because I really want to understand the thought process about this. It seems like all women say the same thing about this situation and it is dumbfounding. Especially when I compare it to two drunk drivers because they say it isn’t the same when it is. I mean at what point does responsibility for ones actions come into play? YES you have the right to go out and have a good time. YES you have the right to drink (Once you turn 21, so if you are under the age of 21 and alcohol is involved in any of your activities you are on your fucking own if ANYTHING happens to you that isn’t forced) to your liver’s content and flirt and grind on any “cute guy” you see. You know what? You have to accept the task of being RESPONSIBLE WITH YOUR DAMN ACTIONS. Yes you CAN do all of those things but you also need to make sure you know where you are doing it and who you are doing it with. You can’t just make stupid decisions (And yes, drinking a drink you didn’t see poured or leaving a club/party with someone you don’t know is a STUPID DECISION) and after the fact blame everyone else. I have made some dumb ass choices and you know who I blame for them? ME!

I am not saying to hole yourself up in a bubble. As a woman you shouldn’t have to quarantine yourself to stay safe from perverts and rapists. However, look at things logically. If you DON’T bring undo attention to yourself in random places by drinking enough to take out Sam Kinison (Bless his drunk, coked out funny as fuck dead ass) and yelling out “I’M SO DRUNK” as you stagger around showing half the place your gully hole, that is half the battle right there. It is possible to go out and drink responsibly without hanging on an unsavory crowd that may want to cause you harm. Rather than do THAT, some women deem it necessary to do what they want and when they want even if it means putting themselves in situations that a rational person would not. Women want to live like men but not accept the consequences of being a fucking asshat. One thing about living like a man is that you fuck up A LOT and you have to live with the shit without much (If any) sympathy for your dumb ass actions. Is that REALLY how you want to live, ladies? Constantly doing dumb shit? If it is then continue to live by the credo that it is someone else’s fault. If you do that, you are no better than Al Sharpton. And I am sure you don’t want that.

Well, I will do another rant this week as I believe I am working remote Wednesday and Friday. Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t see you again by Thursday!

Chachi Out