Sunday, June 03, 2007

So Gloriousus!

What is up peeps?! It’s another Sunday and if you are in Colorado odds are you are asking yourself ‘why am I here?’ Needless to say, the weather outside rather sucks. Eh, thems the breaks.

So last night, I went to ‘A Funny Thing Happened’ and I must say only one word to describe the seating:


First row, first two seats. Right behind the conductor. I even asked him to play ‘Rock You Like A Hurricane’ by The Scorpions. He didn’t, but it was worth it. The acting was awesome, especially the eunuchs. Yes, you heard me. Great stuff. Oh, and Gloriosus was….well…glorious. I mean he wasn’t Bi in the manliness department but he was pretty epic in scope if you get my drift. The only bad part of the evening is that house vodka makes me hella sleepy. Needless to say it kicked the ass. Up next: The Little Mermaid in August and then maybe Spamalot in September if I don’t go to Vegas for my birthday. If I do, I am SO going to see David Cassidy!

Also this weekend I went to see ‘Knocked Up’ which marked the second time in a calendar year that I went to see a date movie with a dude (I saw ‘The Break-Up’ last year with Rick in what I call the ‘Summer of Pain’ not only for the dumbass shit I did but the day we saw Nacho Libre, Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, The Omen and An Inconvenient Truth and STILL felt ripped the fuck off) and not with a saucy lady. Eh, thems the breaks. I like having to share my Reese’s Pieces. So today I give you another edition of….


This Week: Knocked Up

Well, all I can say about this movie is that…well…if was fricking good. Unlike ‘The Break-Up’ last year in which Vince Vaughun played a total fucktard with no redeeming qualities this movie showed that both men AND women are totally irrational beings when it comes to…well everything. The humor from Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl was hilarious and there wasn’t an unfunny character in the cast. Each person was relevant to the plot in their own way (unlike every movie I have seen over the last 10 years since Pootie Tang) and the movie didn’t seem to at all, even though it was two hours.

Unlike every other movie this year (minus 300 and ATHFCMFFT) there was no glaring problem in this film. Some would say language but it was fucking rated ‘R’ if you went and you were offended by the language, eat a fucking dick. Don’t pay the money and go see ‘Balto’ at home or some shit. The movie also had crowning. And that cost it a point. I have seen births on TV so I wasn’t disgusted, as much as I just was shocked that they put that in a movie. Should have expected it, being about pregnancy and all. But 300 was about Spartans and I didn’t see ONE BIT of gay sex for which I am thankful, but they could have kept true to the Spartans man-loving roots. Just saying.

All in all, this movie is well worth the watch. Not the big budget fare you expect from the summer blockbuster season, but neither was 40-Year Old Virgin or Accepted and those both kicked ass. Loses a full point for the crowning scene, though. No crowning in summer movies. Not on my watch! So ‘Knocked Up’ gets…

9 out of 10 Stars!
(Actually a kick ass movie! No glaring faults and does what it does very well. Is one of the funniest movies of the year so far! Check it out!)

Well, that is all for now. Another work week coming up so I will try to be up either Wednesday or Thursday. Short update today, but I am running low on sleep over the last few days. Thanks, Kandice. You officially have ruined my sleep cycle. Just kidding. Until next time, stay up peeps.

Chachi Out