Monday, June 09, 2008

Reading Is For Poor People!

Man, the weekend is over and it is off to fricking work. LAAAAAAAAAAME. Anyway, I have some good news. A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was working on a “book” that was going to include new work and a collection of my blogs. Well, in between working, drinking sake (and soju of course) and my normal posts on the blog I have been putting work into some of the chapters (of which there will be 13 and I have thought of 8 so I am doing pretty good) and I even have some sections finished of some chapters. So what I give you now is the official first part of Chapter Two. Chapter One is the introduction for the most part….which I haven’t finished. NOT a good sign. Either way, I figure this is at LEAST a year long process. So here is the first two pages of the second chapter. Enjoy yo’self….

Chapter One: Who Needs Love When You Have Porn?

So I guess it is time to get started with this thing people will call a “book.” What better way to get started than focusing on the one thing that gives me joy yet vexes me so: porn. Now as we all know, porn is one of the few things I can look forward to in this great depression I call a life. I mean, I believe in mingling with the opposite sex just as much as the next male but at the end of the day sometimes we have to face it: sometimes it is more logical to watch a little bit of porn than to deal with the utter and complete idiocy that is a woman. As much as women bitch and moan about how men aint worth shit (I focus on that later. Be patient) you figure they would do the same. I am kind of talking about vibrators because women seem to think those are the end all be all of replacement for men because they don’t have the ingenuity to create Persacons (God bless the Japanese for sexual perversion!) or….anything for that matter. Still waiting for a female inventor. Blacks have you beat and that is SAD because the last thing a nigga invented was spinning rims and that STILL trumps all the innovations of women because at least spinnin rims were ballin. Anyway, I want to clear up some things about my usage of porn.

Porn Saves More Than Jesus Because He Can’t Masturbate

Okay, let me clarify one thing here: I don’t watch porn as a replacement for women. I believe that has become a myth/misconception of women over the last 10 years as they believe that everything is about them individually rather than as a whole. You even noticed that when a man is found to have porn by a girlfriend or wife they always ask:


Now some men will say yes and those are the men that have the problem in my opinion. Again, MY FUCKING OPINION. What women don’t realize is that most normal men don’t watch porn as a replacement for women. Now I will admit that some do. In a way, I can sympathize with them. They don’t want to take the time out to treat women in a kind and compassionate way because at the end of the day that shit doesn’t work. They also don’t want to treat women like shit because they were taught better than that and know that in the long run that isn’t a good way to treat someone. With that said I will admit that there are some men that use porn as an escape from actually going out and meeting real women which I think is a problem. And it is a problem I place solely on the shoulders of Jesus Christ.

Why? Well, because the majority of people out there believe in the King of the Jews and because of his misinterpreted and rather cheeba induced words people out there are scared to have ”teh sex” before they are married lest they go to Detroit….err…hell. When it all breaks down, if you believe in the Bible and the word-ah of Jesus-ah and Gawd-ah then you must wait until you get married in the eyes of the Lord-ah before you do the dirty deed-ah. Which creates people out there that are not having sex and looking to something to fill the void. Now some just fuck little boys but they are Catholics and they aren’t people as much as they are just evil, boy fucking pussies in big gay hats. Others look to a little something called porn. Now much like there are women that take advantage of men and give the rest of you a bad name there are men that watch porn and use that as their reference on how relationships with women should be. They give those of us porn watchers that can actually integrate with society a bad name. That name is pervert. Now I can accept being called a pervert for my Japanese schoolgirl fetish but I will NOT be vilified for my love of Jasmine Byrne and Nautica Thorn. That is prejudiced and wrong. WRONG!

What is even worse is being lumped in with the people that cross the line of what-that-fuck-ism. Now gay porn isn’t for me but if it is your thing then that is cool. But I have a message for you bestiality fans and furries out there. You sick fuckers are ruining porn for us normal, gang-bang supporting bukakke fans and making us look like you. I may like to see a little ATM every now and then but dammit I will not stand for you donkey-fucking, panda suit wearing freaks to make me look bad. You are disrespecting the fans and you are disrespecting the actresses of legitimate porn. Now you can disrespect me all you want but when you make it so that the artistry of Tia Tanaka and Rachel Starr is looked down upon I WILL NOT STAND BY! You sick little monkeys.

Not much but it is a start, IMHO. Be back later.

Chachi Out

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