Monday, June 16, 2008

The Dream Will Never Die....

So after having two members leave the band, I have decided to move on. A2B is back in effect! The boy band of the new generation is back like cooked crack! New members and a new sound! Problem is....there are only TWO members now (Three if you count Joey...which I cant because I dont think he can sing or dance) which means that we could only be at best Wham! which isn’t BAD but you know....we're straight.

With that being said, I am open to new members. Preferably Asians because we are totally going after that Big Bang/Rain/Se7en crowd overseas. Also, I need to get up on my funky fresh dance moves. This band is going to be all about getting loose. To accomplish this, I am going to need to recruit new members. We could also use another Black guy; those are in after the whole Obama running for President. Also, because of a little EEO situation in my hiring practices from 2007, the courts have decided that not only do I have to put a NEGRO in my group I also have to bring in a skirt. Yes, there may be a female member in A2B. So ladies, when I hold auditions you are free and able to join in. Only if you dance and look like this:

If you can, you are officially the most talented and you are IN. If you are Namie Amuro….I LOVE YOU.

I know having a female member defeats the term "boy band" but hey, I'm all about the dream. The dream of being knee deep in Japanese schoolgirls. Is that so wrong? No. Illegal in the US and A, yes....but not wrong in Japan. More details coming soon but know this….


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