Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So when you drink soju, Hyori Lee DOESN'T come out and dance for you:

I would have cried shenanighans but soju is fucking awesome. IT GETS YOU DRUNK! YOU MIGHT FIGHT A NIGGA OR TWO!

MMM-MMM, BITCH! On a sad note, even Korean karaoke spots dont have Bi songs to sing, seeing as its the only Korean song I know sans Bulldog Mansion "Happy Birthday To Me":

But life aint all snapdragons and lollipops. I wish it was though. I am tired as fuck and need to be to work in like....five hours so I am out of this bitch. But first....

This video is dedicated to a certain someone out there....

You know who you are. If you think this is for you, odds are it isn't. BURN!!!

Shit, I am out. Be back on Friday.

Chachi Out.

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