Sunday, May 04, 2008

Why Parent When You Can Complain?

So GTA IV has officially created a paradigm shift in the way games will be made from this point on. I knew it wouldn’t take long for someone to get sand in their vagina about the content in the game. Hell, I am shocked it took this long. It is a fucking GAME and you can hail a taxi if you want so it is about personal choice just like REAL LIFE. And of course CNN decided to stop lying about the possiblity of Hillary winning the Democratic election without suing the party:

You know, I am not a parent and really dont want to be as of yet but I really think that parents have bigger things to do than worry about the violence in a videogame. Is it STILL 1994? Find something else to bitch about. If video game is going to cause a kid to do something stupid then that kid is stupid anyway and the fact they end up killing themselves is a little something we smart people call...


Being impressionable aside, kids are not morons (Or are they?) and should figure out the difference between reality and a fucking video game where an Uzi is only $1200. A leather jacket for $26?! Sign me up! Although this game is grounded in reality, video game fans themselves are also grounded in reality. We know that Grand Theft its title...IS A FUCKING CRIME AND SHOULDNT BE DONE. If you don’t have the time or have the fucking balls to tell your kids not to do what they see in video games or better yet MONITOR WHAT THE FUCK THEY PLAY AND WHO THEY PLAY WITH then you shouldn’t have had kids. I am NOT backing down on this and if you don’t like it you should have kept your legs closed or your cock in your pants. Part of parenting is actually making sure your kids are doing the right thing, not making everyone else do the right thing for your kids because the right thing for you is odds are not the right thing for someone else. I personally like beating a hooker to get back my money. It's MINE!

The simple fact is the game costs fucking $60 to buy no matter what the system and if you are giving your kid $60 without asking where it is going you are a shitty fucking parent and need to be shot in the face so you cannot make any more kids because the more kids you have the more you will complain and the less I will be able to play game where I can shoot down police helicopters with a rocket launcher. I LIKE shooting down police helicopters in video games because I can’t do it in real life! That and it gets you hella style points. It is your prerogative as a parent if you don’t want your kids to play it. Make sure they play games only you think are appropriate and go from there. Do NOT push your shitty agendas by trying to ban these games or forced to be damn near inaccessible (Which is what giving an AO/Adults Only rating does) to those of us who play the game and KNOW it is a game because our parents raised us with some god damn sense. I don’t care what you THINK you are doing to help; you are actually hurting kids by forcing censorship and officially pissing on the Constitution. Now our President can piss on the Constitution all he wants but you are NOT the president and I am sure he is all for shooting Russians in the head.

Don’t be fucking police officer, be a parent. Learn to do THAT correctly first then try to fuck with my video games. School shootings weren’t caused by video games, they were caused by disturbed people with parents that didn’t do their jobs. Giving a child a nice house with all they want isn’t parenting; BREAKING YOUR FOOT OFF IN THEIR ASS FOR BEING STUPID IS PARENTING! Maybe I come from a mentality that endorses bust a kid in their grill for fucking up but maybe people need to bust their kid in the fucking mouth for playing video games they shouldn’t and for being little shits in general?

Beat that kid like a prostitute!

In all seriousness, I have ranted about this before and I will continue to defend video games because I grew up with a true LACK of violent video games until I was 16 or so. My parents said no and I respected that. I also respected catching an uppercut to the gut so I didn’t test that shit. It is not that hard to make sure your kids aren’t watching or doing what you think is inappropriate and even then if they are taught what is what and right & wrong they can get by even if they have to be exposed to the things you aren’t comfortable with. Parenting is a novel concept…you should fucking try it. Oh, and try breaking your foot off in your kids ass every now and then. Worked for the Jacksons.

I am out. If I hear any other group pissing about GTA IV and its content even though it is clearly marked as adult and has a felony in its title….I will kick your fucking turtle into a giant walking mushroom. I am so BAKED right now.

Chachi Out.

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