Tuesday, June 19, 2007

FedEx Licks Emu Taint.

Fuck FedEx. Because they use contract delivery people, I cant get my computer until tomorrow. That is fucking bullshit. First off, how safe is my property of you dont monitor your contractors delivery trucks (if I am not mistaken they have communication with their employed drivers)? That driver could be tinkering with my Windows Vista right now! It already doesnt work to start off with you r-tards! This is the second time I have had to deal with FedEd about this (I believe they did the same thing to my camera last year) and I keep on asking to not ship with them and it happens anyway.

Another reason I dont like FedEx is that they dont fucking knock. When I got my offer letter from HP in 2004, I had the door open because I was also waiting for the Adelphia cable guy (yeah, long time ago) and I heard the truck pull up and the dog barked because he heard someone on the porch. As I am walking up the stairs, I see him damn near run away. I get to the door and I yell to him that I am there and he said "Oh, I knocked and no one came to the door!"
First off, fuck you you liar. Second off, I had:

The door open with music playing (so unless I am really lax on security SOMEONE was hope)

A metal storm door (which re-animates zombies when knocked on)

A doorbell (that could summon Viking warriors from the Arctic North)

What REALLY pissed me off is that it didnt even require a signature! He was just going to fucking leave with my letter! Why? Because he was a lazy fucktard. Congrats, FedEx. I hope you get head cancer from the 'thrax.

Fuck FedEx, fuck them in their stupid shitty shipping heads.

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