Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Friend Is Just A Stranger You Havent Stabbed.

A special post today. Some words are in order after this busy weekend as we have a special...

Chachi's Lessons To Grow On!

This week I learned about: Friendship

I never really give friends their due for the most part. Seeing as how I only have...five or so I really should do it more. Having two leave in the span of 24 hours made me think about it so I have some things to say:

1) Griff is my dog for life. Been through so much stuff with that cat. This must be what it was like for Crockett and Tubbs when Miami Vice went off the air. From the Top Ramen Incident to throwing him out of my house the first time he beat me in Madden after a FIVE YEAR undefeated streak against everyone. Its rough for me to make and keep friends because I am as cuddle as a fucking porcupine, but he has stayed true to the Duece even after he stole my woman (even though I stole his first. Payback is a bitch). Stay up, homie. Next time youre up, we's playing NBA Shootout 97 and I am brining back the Johnson Twins!

2) I'm actually going to miss the conflicted Morman musings that was Skinnerman. Hanging out in the S-Cave isnt going to be as cool without the man that coined 'Hampster-Dam'. I give props, that was funny as hell. Only knew you for a bit, but you were the lesser of the Skinner evils, especially since we had no 'Bonnie Tyler' moments like Nolan and I had (AWKWAAAAARD). Even with the mulititude of man-dates and the ambigous exchanges in public ('You hang out with my brother, too?! You slut!') it was cool hanging with you. Stay cool in Phoenix because odds are you wont. That place if frickin hot. Take care of yourself and never lose the spirit. Because you are a sweet spirit. Sons of Provo joke...
3) Rick. I am the king of dicketry. Once again I back out of a DENVER PARTAY and I again say 'dick move' on my part. I should treat the guy that let me rant and rave like a drunken asshole (because I am an asshole and I was drunk) a lot better. And I nearly threw up on your couch. Hell, noting the color scheme I may actually have. Even still, stay up I will get you back someday before I turn 27. Which isnt to far off, shit I'm getting old. Oh, and I seem to have misplaced my pants.

That is all for now. The people I didnt mention I owe money to. And you aint ever gonna get that shit. If I dont pay my bills on time, what makes you think I'm going to pay YOU on time?! I leave my friends with a song from the small screen classic Saved By The Bell...

Good night, peeps.

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