Sunday, June 11, 2006

Time To Get Some Ed-you-mah-cation!

Morning, peeps! I missed the update yesterday, mainly because I was out all day and didn't get back until about 2ish. Even still, I came back for you. Time for another mind numbing installment of:


You know, it has been an interesting two months and I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I am:

Not Funny
Out of touch with my emotions

and Uncompromising

Hmm. That's interesting. You know what else I have been called? Anti-social. Moi, ANTI-SOCIAL? All of the above fall under the 'anti-social' umbrella but I really had to think about it: am I anti-social or do people just not know what the fucking word means when they toss it out?

Well, let's see. The definition of anti-social is:

1. Shunning the society of others; not sociable.
2. Hostile to or disruptive of the established social order; marked by or engaging in behavior that violates accepted mores: gangs engaging in vandalism and other antisocial behavior.
3. Antagonistic toward or disrespectful of others; rude.

Now that we know the definition, let us take a closer look. First off, shunning society. I will be the first to admit that a lot of what people do pisses me off. However, at the end of the day, to err is human. To commit the SAME errors repeatedly is fucking retarded but that's not the point of this rant. Quite simply, those that know me will tell you that I am the first to talk to someone who is being quiet for feeling shunned because I was not always the outgoing, popular guy the peeps know as Chachi today. I once was the guy that was scared to talk to girls and people in general because I thought I was uncool. Now I don't talk to women because many are batshit crazy and the rest have no idea of the stupidity that is Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il and that is what I like to talk about. Even still, there isn't a person that knows me that will say I shun society. Shunning of the stupid is different.

Hostile or disruptive? Now that is all about perspective. I can understand how certain people can see me as stand-offish or hostile because I believe strongly in nothing, I just have simple, logical views (except for bears, because them bastards are dangerous). If you are going to argue about religion with me, I can see your side but I couldn't (for the most part) give a fuck about it if you are trying to convince me of its truth. I make it a point to understand and acknowledge both sides of an argument (no matter how wrong the other party is or even I am) but at the end of the day, if one side is not willing to understand my point (ESPECIALLY if I am right) I will become hostile to a point because it would be like talking to a puppy about the tuck rule. Not only do they not know, they refuse to understand. I may not agree, but I will always listen and understand the stance of the other party. So why even make the fucking attempt to discuss with someone that has their own set ideas and belief sets and REFUSES to acknowledge yours no matter how correct? That can be seen as being hostile because I don't compromise on things that I am right on. That shit ain't gonna happen. Now if I am wrong I will admit it and if it is a discussion based on belief I will attempt to come to a shared agreement. I'm not going to say I'm wrong when I am right, and it seems that is what people want me to do. Fuck that, I'm hostile then.

Antagonistic and rude. Ahhhh, rude. I will come back to that fucker. As for being antagonistic, there is nothing better than a spirited debate IMHO. Not an ARGUMENT, a discussion about something with two viewpoints that are debated between two knowledgeable people is fun and insightful. I will admit that I do start debates, but not to argue. Case in point, I have been told by some women I have dated (or was attempting to) that I started arguments for no reason. Well, a discussion about politics isn't 'starting an argument' in my eyes, it's a discussion about politics. Now if SHE sees it that way, well not much I can do about that. The last thing I want to do is start an argument with a women because a good percentage (I will go with 25-35%) of them:

1. Don't know HOW to debate, they just know how to argue. (there is a difference. A debate is backed by logic and is a dynamic. An argument is just irrational bickering. I don't do well in those)
2. Don't understand what the discussion or debate is about. (Which I am guilty of. I have gotten into arguments with Zach that I am in over my head in and I will just say 'Yeah, dude we are out of my element.' Know your battles and concede when you are over your head. There is nothing wrong with not knowing about a subject in a discussion, but there is something wrong with discussing a subject while knowing nothing.)
3. Will do anything just to WIN. (Arguing via bullshit will only get you so far. If you don't know it, you don't know it. Using circular reasoning, slippery slopes and just plain WTF tactics (crying, screaming, changing the subject to an argument that isn't pertinent to the discussion) isn't debating, it's being fucking stupid. Have a stance and back it, right or wrong.

Anyway, back to my point. I like to discuss topics because I like women who are quick on their feet. Not ones that love to argue because arguing accomplishes nothing. Now back to this rude thing. You know what, I know the internet is vast and bad news travels fast. Anyone out there who has ever called me rude has usually been put in a situation where they didn't get my humor or they had to be told something that they didn't want to hear. You see, I don't have the thickest skin (I still have feelings and yes, even the Chachi has been hurt and heartbroken) but I know what the fuck my faults are and will admit them. Can I be abrasive? Depending on the situation definitely. A spaz? It's my middle name, sometimes I freak out when I can't get through to people (which is happening a WHOLE LOT lately). A tad Buddha-esqe? Well, let's just say I partake in a few festive food items...En masse. An egotist with megalomanical tendencies? I have four monikers and refer to myself in the third person, you tell me. With all that being said, I know my faults, but I know I have good points. Very FEW (I'm KICK ASS with a cowbell!), but I still have some. I believe that my honesty and humor is confused with being rude.

The thing with the blog (and it kind of worries me) is that there are a lot of jokes that are inside that I try to make sure everyone gets. A lot of times, my humor goes over (or under) peoples heads and they cannot tell if I am seriously being mean to them or not. Well, if I don't like you and am being mean to you maliciously I will fucking tell you. Although I don't like a lot of people (Tom Cruise, I am looking at you) I understand that life is short and you can't be an asshat to someone forever. I have no problems with being cordial to someone that hates me or I can't stand because it's pointless to hold a grudge unless its a REALLY bad situation. With that being said, being rude is in the ears of the listener. There have been times that I felt someone is being rude TO ME and since I don't know where their head is at I cannot fairly make that assumption. To call me rude after only a few circumstances is actually rather immature. What do I know? I know that I'm NOT rude, mean or possessive. You know what I am? I'M AN A-SS-HO-LE!

Ah, that song makes me feel good. So, peeps. What did we learn on God's Day? We learned:

1. I'm an asshole.
2. Im cool with it.
3. Dennis Leary needs a comedy special.

Your homework, peeps? See Cars. That movie kicked the ass! Larry the Cable Guy is funny to me in small doses. HE DID WHAT IN A CUP?! Suprisingly, the music was pretty good (Except Randy Newman wrote and composed the soundtrack. That man really needs to go) .

Okay, enough for my pity party. There is only one thing that can make me feel better right now. yeah, you know it. Give some of that Ms. Koda.

Hells yeah, now I feel better.

Okay, I have been bitching about the lack of kick ass musicals over the last few years until the release of The Producers (and by default RENT) last year. Well, I have a confession. I REALLY LIKE High School Musical. I have the soundtrack and I try to catch it on Disney Channel when I am home. It's not GREAT, but it's better than the MTV Hip Hopera Carmen shitfest. That and Breaking Free is actually a good song. While this musical will never top Grease or West Side Story (which has stood up through time IMHO) it is still worth a watch if like me you are desperate for a time to just randomly break out in song and dance without being ridiculed or arrested. Check it out:

Well, I got errands to run and laundry to do. I will try to drop something for tomorrow morning or night that is a LOT less bitchy. Until then, maybe I can sum up the last few weeks in a timeless song...

I couldn't have said it better. Stay up, peeps.

Chachi out.

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