Okay, I remember being an a women's rights club in college (rather interesting story, I will tell it someday) and was always on the opposite side of debates with the other members. They were always talking about how hard it is in today's world to be a woman. How the odds are stacked against them and how they aren't protected. Not wanting to be in a 13-on-1 battle of attrition, I would just sit there and take it at first. After a while, I began to realize something: the concept of reality is LOST on women.
Now for the two or three women that read this blog, I will explain my words. The members would always say that the media (which meant men) create a false standard for women to achieve in terms of beauty and style. And I will agree to that statement as it is still true today. Maxim doesn't sell because the articles are insightful and music videos don't get airplay for the musical content. They are both successful due to the 'objectification' of women that are quite the opposite of the ideal look. All women don't look like Vida Guerra. Here is a picture:

There is a simple reason why women that look like her are put into videos and magazines, and its not the grand conspiracy to keep women down as much as 'neo-feminists' try to push that on us. The reason these women are pushed to the forefront is the exact same reason anything gets pushed to the forefront: they aren't the norm. If every woman looked like Vida Guerra (giggidy-giggidy), then something else would be pushed by the media. It's the male equivalent of Mike Vick in 2002. The man DID bring something totally new to the quarterback position in the NFL, and they pushed him to the moon. Was it justified? Hell no, and I am as big a Mike Vick fan as there is. He was unproven, erratic and unpolished in the basic skills of...well throwing a screen pass. Was the push of J-Lo warranted? Hell no, she's a piss-poor singer, and average dancer and I have seen better acting in porn. But she had the look, and that is all that matters. It all comes down to money and marketing people. No more, no less.
Oh, and about the way women are portrayed in the media. Ladies, as a black man I can say this and be completely justified because of what I have seen in the last ten years from my people. You undo any progress you make almost the EXACT second you make it. Women want to be respected for their actions and valued for their worth. Completely valid, so does everyone. However, you need to do a serious gut check about your role models. To be seen as respectable, your LEADERS must be respectable. Take black men for example. Gone are the days of Garvey, King, Evers and Little (Malcolm X for the non-readers) and they have been replaced by 50 Cent, Jay Z, Nelly and Snoop. Not exactly the ones on the forefront if you are trying to fight for respectability, are they? Now when you think about women with popularity, aside from Oprah (who you need to latch on to and not let go if you want to make this thing work) and Hillary name the female icons. None, really. When people think of popular women they think of who?
Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. As sad as it is, it is very true. And their claim to fame? Banging on camera and being a drug addict. Oh, and Lindsay did 'Mean Girls' which was highly underrated. I'm sorry, but the whole 'Sex in the City' live like men this is stupid and it is hurting your stock and credibility. You know why? Because living like men is FUCKING STUPID. Drinking till you pass out and getting teabagged is living like men. Is that what you want? Nothing is wrong with drinking and having a good time. I am all for that. I am not for stupidity and a lack of common sense. And alcohol plus women equals exactly that.
Now this is a touchy subject, and I debated on whether or not to go here because this view hasn't gone over very well with people in the past. I honestly don't care anymore about the feelings anymore. Let me preface this by saying that I believe rape is wrong. It is a crime and it is disgusting. You know what else is wrong? Going into a situation where you know 'shit can happen' and regretting it afterward. Ladies, I never want to defend the actions of the attacker of downplay the emotions of the victim. I also don't want to portray men as uncontrollable animals that cant think straight when they see boobies.
Let's look at this with a little bit of logic. Black men and white women don't hold hands in Alabama when possible. Gay college students stay away from frat parties wearing rainbows. White people stay out of New Orleans, D.C. and Detroit after midnight. Why? Because it is just logical and good common sense. In the jungle, how many times have you seen a zebra walk up to a lion and give it a kiss like Bugs Bunny gave Elmer Fudd? Never. Why? Because it's not good common sense. Are women smarter than zebras? Of course they are. So why do things that aren't safe for you?
Thats not a fair comparison, you say? You should be able to drink whenever and not have to worry about being groped or worse sexually assaulted? You say you should be able to have a good time without fearing for your safety? You know what? You are correct. You know what else? I don't like having to say this but tough shit. It's sad, but its the way things are. I'm a grown man but I was scared when I was in Mississippi. I was literally scared because of how people looked at me and the artifacts of racism that were in gas stations and restaurants (confederate flags, sambo statues, etc). Is that fair? That I should be afraid of being assaulted? No. But you know what, tough shit for me. It hurts me to say that, but at the same time, I want to live to be 30.
Women can always used the defense 'men should change and learn to respect us' but hey, respect yourself and then we will talk. Wear a full set of clothing that actually has seams and then talk about perception. Try not to sound like giggling, dumb as a bag of stones stereotyical dumb girl and then get back to me about being respected. I know Dave Chappelle talked about the 'ho's uniform' and that's a fine analogy. I agree that just because a woman is dressed a certain way doesn't make her a whore. Now lets use common sense again here. If you see a guy in bummy shoes with bad hair, do you think he's eccentric? Or a dirty bum? When you see a Allen Iverson, do you see a savvy businessman worth 17 million a year? Or a thug that may take your wallet? I learned a long time ago that fair or not, perception is reality. No matter how intelligent I am or how well I present myself, if I dress a certain way I will be perceived that way. Take note a realize that. As judgmental as women are sometimes, I cant understand why shit like that doesn't sink in.
You know, Huey from the Boondocks said it best. This line works for everyone from women to blacks to Muslims (don't think you are getting off easy. I will get with you guys later) to Right Wing Christians: Act like you've got some goddamn sense. Really THINK before you act. Don't get into situations that could end up bad if you can avoid them. Hell, here are some ground rules.
- Do not drink Long Island Iced Teas (if an alcoholic mixed drink is 100% alcoholol of different varieties, it might not be a good idea to drink 5 of them. Just a fucking thought)
- If a guy buys you a drink, and he aint drinking, beware. (That is bad news. It's like someone wanting you to bungie jump into a pool of sharks and they have never done it. Not I said the cat, and so should you)
- If you have seen what you are wearing in a music video or at a strip club, its not appropriate. (It may look cute, but it sends out the vibe of $'20 topless, $30 full nude' so it may be best to go with something a little less flashy)
- Never, ever drink till you throw up. (Or fall down. Did you see Steve-O on Adam Corrola? Neither did I, but I saw the video. You look like that, except in a skit showing off your gulley hole)
- Don't ever use the phrase 'Will you respect me in the morning if we do this' or any other phrasing of that. (The answer is no, because he doesn't respect himself or else he wouldn't be down either. Sleep on THAT for a moment)
- Don't let the world know how drunk you are. (Like a bloody seal, you give away your position to the sharks. Besides, seeing you are face down on the bar was a dead giveaway)
- Being stupid is not sexy. (This is a new phenomenon. Being mysterious does NOT mean being vacant, so don't twist your hair and say 'I dunno' The days of math is hard Barbie are over)
- Just say no. (I say this for safety. There are stupid people out their that believe that you owe them something if they buy you a drink. Saying no is okay, because if he gets unruly he WILL be thrown out because more women in the club equals more men showing up and other men offering to buy you drinks. See, its a circle of money)
- If you don't know him, don't blow him. (Vulgar as it sounds, its true. I know a stranger is a friend you haven't met, but making friends usually doesn't involve mouth love. And for Christsake don't go home with someone you don't know. That is just stupid beyond stupid and at that point all credibility is lost)
- Respect yourself. (Not to the point of conceit, but you know (hopefully) what is right and what is wrong. If it doesn't feel right, DON'T DO IT. Oh, and don't drink anything you didn't see poured. That is just ignorant)
See, my rants aren't about just bitching. I am here to help. Protect yourself, respect yourself and love yourself. If that wasn't so cheesy, I would end my posts with it. I will be back with a normal post a little later on. Till then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
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