Douchebrawl 2006 Championship
(1) Tom Cruise - 92.86%
(11) Heather Graham - 7.14%
So the winner of the First Annual Andy Dick Douchebrawl is....

Yes, it is official. We all thought it, now it is agreed upon. Tom, you are the biggest douche in the WORLD. Turning Chef against us was one thing. Impregnating Katie Holmes with the sperm of the Dawson is one thing. But destroying the property of Oprah Winfrey is grounds for douche history. With all the crazy ass stuff you have done, all the off-the-wall things you have said and all the insane actions you have done, this is the culmination of all that. We the peeps salute you. Your trophy will be arriving to you shortly Mr. Cruise. Also, congratulations to Ms. Heather Graham. I myself had nothing against you personally. However, the overwhelming response to your doucheitude with such a small (yet shitty) body of work is remarkable. You have earned your spot in history and in next years Douchebrawl.
I will have the final brackets up shortly. Also, I am finalizing the brackets for the next Chachi Exclusive, the DARTH VADER BADASS BATTLE OF VILLAINY (The Tick would dig that name). I will have them up today or tomorrow, and just like before, I will take suggestions into consideration. Some considerations for the last battle include Jack Thompson, Heather Graham and hayden Christensen, all did well in the Douchebrawl. Keep them coming , peeps!
So as my saturation of my blog of M-Flo hits full swing, here is the PV of Come Again. I had the live version on here yesterday from Dope Space Nine and the video is kind of 'meh' but it's still cool. Hella old too, I think its from 1999 or 2000.
Catchy little tune. Although Lisa's voice is kind of hit or miss (some people love it, some people hate it kind of like Shakira or Lauryn Hill) I think it's rather unique for what she sings. It's hard to mesh that voice with Taku's beats and Verbal's Pharrell-esqe rapping. I can see the 'creative differences' that caused the split.
So, this week is T.I's week. His album King comes out tomorrow and his movie 'ATL' comes out on Friday or Wednesday, depending on who you listen to. Well, Wednesday is out because I will be catching Thank You For Smoking in Denver. I will let you know how it is on Thursday. And on Friday a little movie called Ice Age 2 comes out so there will be no ATL on that day. Well, I am sure that movie is gonna be average. As for his album, I 'found' it on the internet and it was average as well. Most of it was your standard rap fare, although his lyrical skill has jumped leaps and bounds over I'm Serious and Trap Muzik. Not gonna convert any listeners views of rap like Be from Common or bring anything new to the table like Little Brothers' Minstrel Show. However, if you are down for more of the same (which I sure as hell aint) this album doesnt disappoint.
I saw this earlier this week on VGCats or Ctrl-Alt-Del or something but WOW. God of War 2, I am now your bitch.
Man, that bird is gonna be PISSED. Well, I am out for now. Got some stuff to do. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.