First off, I know most of ya'll aren't baseball fans, but I used to be. And it it saddened me yesterday to find out that Kirby Puckett died after complications from a stroke. I was a HUGE Atlanta Braves fan, and Kirby used to make the hair on my neck stand up because of his heroics in Game 6 of the World Series against the Braves in 1991. In undoubtedly the greatest World Series ever played, Kirby Puckett put the Minnesota Twins on his back and willed them to victory in that game and they went on to win a CLASSIC Game Seven in a duel between Jack Morris/John Smoltz. Despite the feeling I had in seeing my team lose, he still was a great player. I am sad to see him go. May you rest in peace, Kirby.
Geez, I really don't like talking about sports unless it's about the Mike Vick Experience. So, I got the samples of the Dave Chappelle's Block Party soundtrack and WHOA. They need to bring back the Smoking Grooves Tour NOW. That is a purchase I will happily make when it comes out next week. Even if you arent a rap fan, I suggest giving it a listen. This is Boom with The Roots and Big Daddy Kane. Good stuff.
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Alrighty, I have a lot of saucy J-pop ladies on the site (Kumi Koda, Yuki and Coco from Bennie K, Namie-chan) so here is something for the female demographic. L~Arc~en~ciel is a J-Rock band that I knew of but didnt really listen to all that much. Then I heard Driver's High from Treat Teacher Onizuka and I was stuck. This video is for Flower, a song I dug because of the Goo Goo Dolls type sound. It's also the ending for Chobits (HELL YEAH, FOOL!) which makes it even better. Ladies, get your bishie on.
Not gonna lie to you, I like Hyde's vocals.
OMG! OMG! Speaking of Chobits, this is another performance from the Anime Fusion Tour with Yoko Ishida! Not sure where it was filmed, but it still kicked ass. Here is Let Me Be With You, once again Para Para style. Oh, and its the same dancers. Yummy...
Oh, I HAD to post this. There needs to be a show where you can do karaoke of J-Pop songs. I would SO win that bad boy. These ladies aren't half bad, either.
Man, that would so kick ass to have that here. Guess I'm just not as cool as I thought I was. For those of you that watch anime (I would say half of my 4 visitors do) check out REC. It's short for those with no attention span (Griff, I'm looking at you) and has a kick ass opening theme. Check it out, its called Cheer, but I havent the slightest idea who sings it. Little help?
Say hello to my new ringtone ladies and gentlemen. Well, it is official. Shakira, you are on notice: YOU ARE DAMN FINE. I love you more than I love applesauce. And I loves my applesauce. Now, work on the bleating goat with a hernia singing voice and we can go out for a nice brunch and get to know eachother. I saw the video for 'Hips Don't Lie' last week and she is right, they don't lie. You know what Shakira's hips say? El Chachi es muy bueno.
My god, woman. There is no need for all that. Forget the war on terrorism and the war on drugs. We need a war on Shakira. She is a controlled substance and needs to be stopped.

I'm your pusher, peeps.
Lastly, I am leaving the Douchebrawl 2006 Polls open until Friday for more people to join in. I want to have it coincide the beginning of the NCAA's as to not get sued, but I want more peeps to join The Revolution. Also, I am going to change the layout of the blog and website in a bit. The Revolution has to be fashionable and hip. I am putting videos up for download on the website, mainly the Anime Fusion Tour clips and the outtakes of the Pirates & Ninja movie. I am going to film commentary for it at some point so it should be up soon. The Fusion Tour videos has gotten a lot of demand so they will be available for download hopefully by the end of the night. Well, stay up peeps and I hope you enjoyed filler day. Oh, and here is some Milk Chan for Griff.
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Chachi Out.
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