Random Thought #1: Putting Lime In A Beer Doesn’t Make It Better. It’s Just Lime Piss.
Okay, first off let it be known that I DO NOT LIKE BEER. I can tolerate a Blue Moon because I pretty much lived off of it for a while (Aahhh, the Happy Hours on Friday when I was at The Q. Those were the…drunken…halcyon days) but aside from an occasional Asahi/Sapporo (Or Ichiban. Now THAT is some good drinkin!) I really hate beer. It is fucking nasty and the people that say it is “tasty” are devoid of any kind of palette and have had it desensitized due to the years of PBR and Nati Ice. What I don’t understand are the “premium” beers that still must taste like shit. Budweiser Select is still Budweiser which means it tastes like mid-life crisis and poor fathering. Miller High Life is the nastiest beer I have ever had and I only enjoyed it as I attempted to drown my sorrows in 2005 when the Philadelphia Eagles and Atlanta Falcons played in the NFC Championship Game. After about 5 pitchers, anything tastes good.
What really gets me is the lime in the beer. Now I will put an orange slice in my Blue Moon but that is because it is already there when I get it. Now I am not a beer aficionado so I am unsure why people do that it is there and I figure why the hell not. The lime in the Mexican beer is understandable because they are a weird people. Ever celebrated that “Day of the Dead” holiday of theirs? Fucked up shit. Putting a lime in a Corona or a Negra Modelo (Another beer I can stand but don’t necessarily like) and other Mexican beers (Which I don’t drink)…
Sorry, I just like seeing Shawn Michaels get what is coming to him. Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! Bret Hart is proud of you. My bad, back on the beer. Putting lime in Mexican beers is okay because it is custom I think. Just like Speedy Gonzalez and being sleepy. They are a people deep in tradition of…drinking which brings on sleeping. Wow, circle of life. Anyway, can someone tell me who thought it was a good idea to put lime in Miller Beer?

Okay, let’s do some math here:

That pretty much covers it. Beer is bad. Shitty beer is bad enough. Adding a lime just makes it pisstris nastyness. Wow…piss + citrus = pistriss. I AM AWESOME!
Random Thought #2: Pimp My Daughter: K-Pop Style!
Okay, I will be the first to admit my love for Hinoi Team and take myself to task that they are well underage. Well, in JAPAN they are good and legal. Here, they are good and legal if I pee on them and dammit, I am not that kind of pervert. Anyway, I have been listening to Wonder Girls for a while and I really liked “Tell Me” and “Irony” but never saw the videos of them so I had no idea what they looked like or even did. So a few months ago I saw the “Tell Me” video:
O…..kay? Not as sexful as some of the other girl groups out there that are a tad older (Tenjo Chiki, Jewelry, etc) but still a little bit on the risqué end of the spectrum. And what was up with the hentai in the locker hopping out and showing his nasties?! I know “hentai” is Japanese but I don’t remember the Korean word for “nasty ass old man showing his googly giggidy to teenage girls.” So despite the adult-like wears they are still dressing their age with isn’t saying much because girls their age dress like skanks. Compared to their age group, they are actually dressed rather concervatively. Now…check out their latest video for “So Hot”:
First off….DAMN THIS SONG IS FUCKING AWESOME! I don’t know why, but this song is the shit! Catchy as HELL. I even know the first verse! I am so festive! Secondly…did you look at the lyrics? What in the hell are they, Pussycat Dolls: Seoul Patrol? That song is trifiling as hell! Not only that, why in the hell are they dancing like that? Now don’t get me wrong, I know they are no Kumi Koda or Namie Amuro. However, the dances are just….bad. Not even sexy as much as….Kids Incorporated bad. What is really weird is that three of the members are 18 or older (Sun Ye, Yeh Eun and Yoo Bin) while the other two are Hinoi-esque in their ages (Sun Mi is 16 and So Hee, the one who sang second….IS FIFTEEN!) and yet I don’t think anyone can tell. Can you?

Don’t pull the “all Asians look alike!” card because if can tell the difference between Japanese, Koreans and Chinese (Mainly because of imported porn, but hey it’s a skill) then you can. Can you tell which the jailbait? I thought so. That is wrong….so, so , so wrong-wrong. I know this is about money and getting fans but I think this is very right for them as an image. What do I know, though. They were brought to us by a professional, one Jin Young Park or JYP, the genius that brought us Rain:

WHOA, that is one ugly nigga! The man makes 50 Cent looks like Terrance Howard! I guess I know why he makes little girls act sexy for him…he is a fucking pervert. For shame, JYP! You sick, sick man! R. Kelly even finds you disgusting! Unless you pee on them, then I guess it’s cool. Hell, release an American language CD and you may get a Grammy out of it! Man….that was wrong.
Seriously… this show was so damn awesome it made me hit a second puberty. Roberta y Mia…tu Corazon es EN FUEGO!!!
Damn it, does anyone know these episodes? I am watching right now and I don’t need to skip to them but I need to know where to save up the lotion at. I kid, I kid. Seriously, though. This show was AWESOME. I know why Nolan went apeshit when they deleted his saved episodes at the Buy.
Well, I am out for now. I may not have a post up Wednesday because I plan on buying “The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment” on DVD Tuesday. Oh, and Boondocks Season Two comes out that day, too. I will be incommunicado for a while. IF YOU SMEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL-LA-LA-LA-LA-LAOW….what the Chachi…is….cooking.
Chachi Out