What is up, people. This has been a rough two days as you all know. I busted up my thumb (Funny story…not so much) on Saturday and I aint going to lie. It hurts like eight bitches in a bitch boat but if I want to be Kappa Phi Koopa I gotta tough it up! Secondly, Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes both died this weekend. Isaac Hayes had gone through some rough health times after his stroke but I am still saddened to see him go. Bernie Mac on the other hand was funny as all hell and I will miss him as a comedian. It is hard to be so vulgar and yet be funny. I wont call him Richard Pryor or George Carlin but he was close. Man, 2008 has sucked teh balls. Rest in peace, both of you.
Well, with the Olympic games having begun it has become time for the whole “we are all Americans and should be proud” bullshit to begin. You know, I have nothing against pride but I kind of despise patriotism. Because a lot of you dipshits use it as a reason to be prejudiced pricks against other races, ethnicities and creeds. You are a bunch of god damned pussies. I am a racist 24/7 against everyone. All year, every day like the US Postal Service. Unlike that unreliable and swarthy Italian postal service. Here-a is-a your mail-a! Pasta eating, no war winning greasy guidos. So with that being said, I can honestly say that I haven’t cared about the Olympics since I came back to the states in 1992. Mostly because when I was in Italy the summer games were going on in Barcelona so I was a lot closer to the action and the news coverage was like only an hour behind rather than seven or eight. However, after that I really didn’t watch the Olympics with much interest anymore. It is a shame because when I was younger, I vaguely remember the 1984 Olympics (And man to I mean VAGUELY. It was playing while we were moving from Germany to New York that summer) and I was all over the 1988 Olympics as it was all we could really watch when we first moved to Italy and were in the pencions. However, we all know about what happened there (And if you don’t, read a fucking book. You are slowing down the progress here) and since then, the reputation of the American athlete and Americans as a whole in the global spectrum has fallen WAY OFF. Now say what you will about not caring what the world thinks but in the end, if you do your best and act as a excellent global citizen then you can shake off the haters if they still don’t like you. However, if you act like a prick then you will be looked at like a prick. And that is where America is now. The world thinks we are pricks and quite honestly, albeit many are calling the kettle black as they are douchey pots, they are dead on. Say what you will but you act like a dick and people will see you that way. I’m living proof. In other words, the Olympic games are rather important because:
• It is putting China great advancements and human rights deficiencies to the forefront.
• It is also a chance for America to rebuild their tarnished reputation of being bullies (Um…Iraq, anyone?), overrated (Dream Team 2004, anyone?) and cheaters (Marion Jones, anyone?).
• About 3 billion Chinese women all looking for love. Most are between the ages of 32-44 and of course under 21. Pedo bear would approve:
It’s only rape if you fight it, baby.
Now that I am sure I have offended SOMEONE with that last comment, let me finish up the last point by saying I hope all of you watch the Olympics this year and gets something out of it. Not sure what you will take away from it but hopefully it will be good. Or not….none of this matters anyway. I’m only watching for the gymnasts and basketball. Everybody got their something.
So I want to talk about something I rarely touch on when I blog but is a very important aspect in my total being, and that is video games. Now I don’t know if any of you heard about that kid in Thailand (I believe he was a kid. They are a small people and it is easy to mistake them for midgets) that killed a taxi driver and his reason for it was that he wanted to see if it was as easy to do in real life as it is in Grand Theft Auto IV. You see….this is why I hate mankind with a fucking passion. First off, the answer to if murder is easy is a resounding yes. We have all contemplated it, all thought about it and hell some of us even had plans on how we would do it. However, it isn’t whether the ACT is easy, it is whether GOING THROUGH the act is easy. Now I am not a moral or kind person by any means. You are reading work from a guy that fully endorses the Pedo Bear seal of approval, believes that rape is just sex the way God intended it, domestic violence is usually a just result of women not knowing when to shut up and tthat the easiest way to give reparations is give all the proceeds from Kool-Aid and menthol cigarettes to Blacks. If you don’t get that joke then get the hell out of my blog. However, I am all about logic when it comes to damn near everything I do. When you play GTA IV and you kill someone, you have a chance of two stars popping up on your wanted level. That automatically is a sign that there will be consequences for you actions and if you can’t grasp that at a respectable age then playing video games is the LEAST of your fucking problems.
It has officially come to pass that if you blame a video game, music, movie or TV show for anything you have done that is illegal, no matter what your age, that you should go to jail for being stupid. Seriously, kids are smarter than you think. Have you ever thought about the fact that when kids DO something wrong and they blame a video game for the fact that they were a dipshit and shouldn’t have been let out of the house without a beating in the first fucking place the responsibility shifts? How often are we subjected to violence in the news and on the streets? We can’t control what happens there, but you sure as tits can control what happens in your own goddamn house. If you don’t want your kids playing violent video games, don’t buy them. If their friends have them and you don’t want them playing with those games then they can’t play with those friends. Get the jelly out of your motherfucking spine and either tell them no or talk to them about what is going on. You think drug dealers don’t know dealing drugs is illegal? How about stealing cars? If they didn’t know, IT WOULDN’T BE CALLED STEALING, YOU FUCKWITS! So at what point can we chalk up video games being destructive when it is just ignorance and dipshittery in children and their lazy ass parents? I know times are hard but I grew up in the 80’s and Reganomics so I know financial struggle from a child’s prospective with both parents working. I still found the time to kill no one and commit no crimes…that I got caught for. Metal Gear helped with that one, by the way. I’M KIDDING! Long story short, if you are a parent buying you kid a game and there is a FELONY IN THE TITLE then you should be shot in the face or have your reproductive organs removed because you do not deserve the right to have children. It is like Idiocracy in real life. Electrolytes, bitches!
The fact that people STILL have the audacity after over THREE DECADES of gaming to blame them for any problems is pointless and shows that people have not gotten smarter since then which is making a dumber generation of children. I can’t believe that kids cannot differentiate between logical and illogical, let alone right and wrong. When you look at it morally things get skewed because religion will justify anything you do as “choosing for the right” (How is THAT for quasi-Nazism? Mormons have “CTW” but I have ”FTW” bitches!) but when you logically look at trying to emulate a video game it doesn’t make sense. If people STILL don’t get that then there is no hope for anything ever. The dumbening of the world continues at a rapid pace.
Although if logic prevailed, we could give all female children a copy of Cooking Mama for the Wii and they would end up being good housewives but….that shit won’t work. Although I PWN at that game! I am such a bitch.
Well, I am out for now. A rant HOPEFULLY at some point this week before Friday. May be the last full rant for a while, but in a good way. Until then, you all stay up.
Chachi Out.