Ok, I know it has been a while peeps. Like I said, pretty fucked up week last week and this week was no better. I want to sulk, but I have a higher calling to answer to. No, not God you dumbass: the peeps. To my four readers (FUCK YEAH! Coming up in the world, fools!) I am back and I am gonna drop the knowledge for the masses.
First off, about my prediction that X-Men 3 - The Last Stand would suck it dry. Well, I was partially wrong because it passed the first test: I didn't kill Brett Ratner. I was really expecting to have to end that man's life for fucking up a sure fire comic book franchise (see Kevin Smith with Daredevil, Ang Lee with Hulk and James 'Needs To Be Raped Analy with a Porcupine' Cameron with Batman Forever/Batman & Robin) but he actually did an average job and let the characters and action do the rest. The movie didn't need to overhaul the characters (like Batman Begins did for Batman) so the story was simple, the action was satisfactory and the movie flowed quickly because of it.
However, it moved WAY TOO QUICKLY. At only 108 minutes (an hour and forty-eight minutes for those unfamiliar) it clocked in shorter than the previous two X-Men films and all the Marvel movies released except Fantastic Four (thankfully, because that movie SUUUUUUUCKED. Even Jessica Alba in tight clothes couldn't save that shitfest) and Elektra (a movie whiched proved the theory that 100 monkeys with 100 typewriters can smear feces on a piece of paper and that movie will be greenlit because Hollywood is fucking stupid). Due to this time lapse, the movie had no real character build up for the non-fanboys that were already aware of Psylocke, Kitty Pryde, Caligstro and the Juggernaught (bitch!). Odds are, most people didn't care so that point is probably moot but I still think that 2 hours would have been sufficent to mention that maybe the Juggernaught is Xavier's stepbrother. Just nit-picking, it was a great action flick and well worth the watch. It is still behind Thank You For Smoking, but it is the second best movie of the year so far. At least until Superman Returns comes out.
My fucking god, this movie will RULE ALL. I really can't see how they can screw this up. I mean I see how they can (putting Wendy, Marvin or Krypto anywhere near this movie is a good start of crapifying this movie) but I am sure Bryan Singer has the right idea and has directed a masterpiece.
Now, on to a personal note. Readers of the blog know that for the most part, my life is an open book and whatever I say and do I stand by. That being said, for those that know me, you know that I have been partaking in a drink here and there. Fuck it, I have been getting sloppy ass drunk lately. I will be the first to say that I have done some dumb ass stuff while drunk. Or sober, they kind of run together as of late. That being said, I am NEVER going to blame anything stupid I have done on anyone else because I knew what I was doing was stupid when I did it. When I look back on the dumb shit I have done, I chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. I know that next time, I might not want to do that again because I may lose track of large chunks of time, screw people up for a while or end up taking advice from a talking dog. Yeah...mushrooms aren't just for pizza. That dog also told me to by stock in Apple but I didn't listen.
Crap, it's getting late and I have only slept for about three hours since Thursday. I will try to get enough brain waves to put something up tomorrow. Stay up peeps.
Chachi out.