Er, the bondage has to go but other than that she is twice the stalkee you were. You know what else, Jess? YOU ARENT MY WALLPAPER ANYMORE! HA!

See, I am so over you!
Sorry about that, peeps what's proper? Sorry, trying out new lingo. First off, Douchebrawl 2006 is going off a little better than I expected. Some brackets are in double-digits (keep in mind, I think only 3 people frequent this blog and no one has double voted so that's a good sign) and so far, there are no real upsets. I expected that, but hopefully the second round will create more excitement.
Well, it seems to be a crappy start for movies in 2006. It was hard for 2005 to top 2004 and I will admit that. In 2004 we had Spiderman 2, Shrek 2, Shark Tale, Harry Potter, Meet The Fockers, Mean Girls, Bourne Supremacy and Jesus Christ's Day Off (or Passion of Christ as it is also known). But name one REAL kick ass movie for 2005? Now 2006 has promise with V For Vendetta, Pirates 2 (Johnny Depp, how you confuse me), X-Men 3, and Superman Returns. The problem is, aside from Pirates 2, all have a REAL good chance of sucking ass. I mean on par with The Hulk. However, I give you a movie that COULD be a sleeper kick ass flick: Silent Hill.
Now first off, I am sure you are saying 'Hey, all video game movies SUCK.' You would be correct in your words. From Super Mario Brothers to Street Fighter (The action's never been so Van Damm good) to BOTH Mortal Kombat flicks to the shitfest known as Bloodrayne (like Brokeback, I dont need to see it to know that it sucks) the track record is not good for video game movies. Even the tolerable ones like Doom and Resident Evil were still BAD movies compared to what they could have been. Dont even get me started on Tomb Raiders' and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. The only great video game movie is Final Fantasy: Advent Children and that was a very insider based movie, one that the average movie goer would not like but just marvel at the pretty colors and animation. Silent Hill has a shot to actually be a good movie. If it is based on the first game (which all reports say yes) then it has a real good story to start with. They could find a way to fuck it up, but they would really have to try.
The stills look very good. It looks to have the feel of the game, but at the same time taking the look of movies like The Ring and Saw and amping it up a notch. Check it out:

Not too bad. Keep in mind that there is NOTHING scarier than little white kids. me the heebie-jeebies. Hell, I'm already scared.
Most importantly, there is no Uwe Boll. Look at this tool:

I remember three years ago he was linked to this movie and I was ready to finally give him the business. I mean whoop his ass like the asshat he is. Only reason I left him off the Douchebrawl 2006 was because not enough people hate this guy yet he is the ultimate of all douches. Anyway, they pulled him off of the project and dare I say, that automatically means this movie will not make me want to kill. By getting Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) they actually got....well I don't know much about him but Britherhood was actually pretty good and he is NOT UWE BOLL! That's all that matters.
I can't say Silent Hill WON'T suck. It has a lot of potential and if done correctly (which I believe it will be) it actually could be a good movie, rather than one where you leave and don't say 'I'm not bleeding from my eyes, so it wasnt THAT bad.' Won't be better than Pirates 2, but it should be worth a watch.
Well, the first have of the bracket voting ends tonight at midnight and the second batch will be up until Friday at Midnight. The second round voting begins Saturday at whenever I wake up to update the polls. Gonna go to a convention on Friday and hopefully get an autograph from a legend. If I get enough pics I will post them up Sunday.
Oh, on a totally different note, look what Lindsay Lohan found.

Yeah....they weren't there a week ago. I am officially putting the end on the Lindsay Lovefest. Scarlett Johnansen is the new Lindsay, and she is a marginally better actress to boot (seen Eight Legged Freaks? They you know what I am talking about). See:

That's for you Zach. Don't say I never gave you nothing.
Well, I have an interview in a bit so I will be back later. Wish me luck and stay up.
Chachi out.
Dungeon Siege. WORST. MOVIE. EVER. At least it has Burt Reynolds.