Thursday, July 31, 2008

Comcast....It's Crap-Tastic

Quick rant, peeps. First off, FUCK COMCAST! Right during the Boogie Bots performance the cable locked and it hasn’t come back on since! This is fucking bullshit! So now the Boogie Bots got eliminated and Fanny Pak is still around (As you know, I am not a fan but I won’t discount them by any means because someone out there likes them and more power to them) AND I MISSED SHANE RIP INTO THEM! Oh, and I heard Lil’ Mama was her old useless self but still. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! I’m getting satellite.

Secondly, I heard the reports on the message boards that the judges were very rude to the Boogie Bots about their performance and they have been heavy handed cockmongers about voting for who THEY like. You see, understand one thing right here and now Shane, JC and you worthless bitch Lil Mama: we have something called democracy when we vote. Put the vote clickers (Who stuff the ballot box electronically) and uber-fans aside, we chose WHO WE WANT as a crew on this show. It is AMERICA’S Best Dance Crew, not “Who The Judges Feel Is Exciting” Dance Crew. You pretty much fuck with the votes anyway because your choice in the bottom two isn’t nescessarily who the people voted for so you could be saving someone who America REALLY wanted to be off the show. Congratulation, you are the electoral fuckwit college of ABDC. Now all of you will be on my ass saying how I was all for Super Cr3w anyway and I shouldn’t care about what they said or did to the Boogie Bots but in the end, they are usurping democracy. On a really small scale but still.

Should the Boogie Bots have still been on the show over Supreme Soul? Fuck no, Supreme Soul as a dance crew is overall better. However, that isn’t how the people voted so kiss my balls, judges. Voting “right” means voting the way you WANT us to vote and then it isn’t a real fan-driven show, is it? In short, I am saying that this season has been the most force fed season ever. EVER. They are shoving Super Cr3w down our throats and guess what? When you force someone down the throats of people without letting them get to know them, you end up with a Randy Orton or The Rock had in the WWE where the fans turned on them because they are being told “You better like these people! We think they are great!” which is NOT TRUE VOTING. I am an adult and I know what I like. I don’t want my vote overturned by a crew of shadowy individuals. Wait….sounds like real government.

In the end, the Boogie Bots were inadequate against the remaining competition but if that’s who people liked, then that is that. I am watching the replay now and I want to see if the judges were as harsh as I heard but either way it isn’t their job to rip people because THEY don’t like them. Their job is to critique. God….they weren’t this shitty last year. As for voting right, weren’t they the ones that send home Distortion X over Fanny Pak? FUCK THE JUDGES. They have been (Oddly enough, except for JC Chasez) disrespectful and shown such gross favoritism that they almost turned me against some crews. Either way, I am out. Countdown will be up in a bit.

(WHOA....just heard what Lil' Mama and Shane Sparks said and was right but at the same time. However, it's obvious who they like and don't so it is what it is.)

Chachi Out.