First off, I need to get this off my chest. ESPN: I don't give a rats ass about Nascar. Quit hyping it because it IS NOT A SPORT. Is it dangerous? Yes. Is it exciting? If you like high speed traffic, then yes. Does it make money? Unfortunately yes, but so does beastiality. There is a market for everything. Nascar is boring and more about technology than athleticism. It doesn't have the skill of hockey, the pageantry and heart of college basketball or the rabid fans of international soccer. Hell, in all honesty Nascar is the only sport where colored and foreigners haven't taken over (I'm sorry, but I see a real subtle racial undertone in Nascar). Quite simply, all Nascar is entertainment in the vain of monster trucks, fishing and hunting. All the skill is left to the weapon or vehicle and people try to pass it off as 'sport' because their is a level of difficulty that is about the same as playing Doom or Gran Turismo. Yet they say gamers aren't athletes, if these are sports then we are the EPITOME of athletes. Suck on THAT, Nascar fans.
Now, back to the good news. The brackets for 'Douchebowl 2006' (think I'm gonna trademark that) have been tenativly created. Like I said, I am open to suggestions but they better be GOOD. Big ups to Z-Swazy for the help. Here are the brackets for now. After next week they will be stuck and the voting will begin.
*Sigh* Inoue Waka. I would like to take you to a movie and maybe some lunch.
Aw, hell yeah.
For those of you that say that I have an affinity for Japanese women that could NOT be farther from the truth. See, I loves Zhang Ziyi. And she's Chinese so there.
She needs to eat a sandwich, but my heart is all aflutter none the less.
I have decided to not do my Wal-Mart rant just yet. I was rather pissed when I went to the Mart yesterday and I was writing out of anger and I don't like to do that. I've calmed down and I am still gonna do it. I just believe that when all the candy has been opened in the impulse items that it is kind of nice for you to GET RID OF IT.
Ah, emo kids. I'm not gonna say that they sit in their closets with their gothy teddy bears writing whiny poems about their pain because daddy doesn't love them and their only way out is suicide. That's a pretty good catoregorization, though. Nothing personal, but unless you live in Denmark by a mosque or are being peed on by a R&B star your life aint that bad. Be cool, guy.
Hells yeah, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. It was an underrated show. Better than a lot of the crap in the 80's *cough*Go-Bots*cough* we sat through.
Well, I am out for the day. Snow is a coming and I gots lots of hot chocolate. Stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
Oh, and Griff. Six words: WHY YOU WANNA SAUCE ME OUT?!