Good morning, peeps! It’s another cold, rainy Tuesday morning and I must say that Fall is on its way. You know, of all the times of the year, Fall is my favorite. The weather isn’t to hot or too cold and it just has a sense of relaxed vibes. That and you have football season, the World Series and of course my birthday (which if the money is right will be spent in Las Vegas. If not, it will be spent in…Las Vegas. I got a 50/50 shot of becoming rich, baby!) all going on in the Fall. And I also am going to make a stronger effort on the blog starting at the end of August. Think of June-August as summer syndication (with the month of May being sweeps with my crazy escapades and hung-over rants) and September beginning Season 2 of The Passion of Chachi! Will I hit the sophomore slump? Nah, I’m a little older and wiser. A lot more bitter to boot. Yep, this will be a kick ass Fall for the peeps.
Speaking of Fall, that is normally when school starts for everyone. Yet, I am seeing the majority of schools starting the school year in August (early August, as in like yesterday) while ending it in early June. Um, that is only about 60 days of vacation give or take. Why are they making kids stay in school longer? In my day, we got let out the third week of May and came back the first week of September and we liked it. A LOT. We had a full vacation to be forced to sit in a car for a road trip across America (forget the fucking patriots out there. This country sucks. Ever driven through Kansas? I thought so) or go to a camp with dipfucks and shittards. Ah, childhood. I hated thee.
Here is my issue with the longer school year: kids aren’t getting any smarter. Shit, they are already dumb as hell with the shit on TV. Why fry their minds with more schoolwork of subjects that don’t matter? World History? Only one history matters and that’s the good old US of A. Who gives a fuck about French Guyana anyway? Geometry? Name one thing in the world that requires Gemotry to be successful? You think George W. Bush knows Geometry? Fuck no, he doesn’t even know English and he is doing just fine. Oh, except for the ‘war’ thing. As for year long school, that shit has to suck. I know they get breaks upon breaks but that is still asinine. Year round sounds like a great idea in theory and can work for some in the actual implementation.
When it comes down to it, some people are just too stupid to make it work and you end up burning them out. Quite simply I just don’t see why we give kids a break. The real world after high school sucks so much ass that I now believe we should give them a break. I used to be under the school of thought that we should show them that life licks balls from the get-go but I changed that opinion. Give kids time to be kids and have fun. Extending the school year to teach kids irrelevant subjects (RESTURANT MANAGEMENT?! Why not just call it ‘You WILL Work At McDonald’s 101?!') behooves no one. It just lets teachers earn more (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) and gets schools more money from the state to accommodate more kids (that’s China’s fault). Are they using that money for textbooks yet? When I was in high school (albeit 1998) we didn’t know whether Regan won the election yet. Well, that fucker did and I didn’t find out until 2001. In closing, the children are the future. Give them a fighting chance, not a fight. Make the school year shorter, the classes relevant and stop with the healthy school lunches. Seriously if you want to eat healthy make your kids lunch. Maybe the blame isn’t on the kids for being stupid but is on the parents for not curbing their (and the schools’) stupidity. Just a thought.
Well I will finally do Chachi's Weekly Top Ten, where I will rank my favorite songs. You best believe this song will be on there. Here is Sleepy Brown, Pharell and Big Boi of Outkast with Margaritas.
That song is such a jam. Oh and what is this? More Bennie K? You better FUCKING BELIEVE IT! Gimme my Yuki and Cico!
My god, they are both HAWT. I know I say that everyday, but DAMN LOOK AT THEM. Oh, and Cico has picked her game up. There are a few songs where she has that sultry deep voice going on and man...that is some hotness right there. And now that I am learning what she is saying (something about Chachi is so hot and calling me her 'senpai' or maybe I made that part up myself) it is even better. I better quit talking about this before I get in trouble.
Anyway, the Duece is about to be out. I will try to be back up tomorrow with something quick. Until then, stay up peeps.
Live, Laugh and Love.