Yes, I am thanking the Hillary supporters. First off for giving me spirited debate fodder because you are all kind of nuts. Seriously, when someone didn’t want to vote for Hillary is was because “SHE’S A WOMAN! YOU ARE SEXIST!” but no one ever gave a reason why NOT to vote for Barack Obama. Every Clinton supporter I have spoken to (Oddly enough all female) said that I wasn’t voting for her because she was a woman which is not true. Prior to January, I WAS a Hillary supporter. After the first set of debates and seeing her crush the other candidates including John Edwards (The second hottest man in politics behind Harold Ford Jr. Look at this man:

Now a Barack Obama/Harold Ford Jr. ticket? That is the hottest ticket in town, baby!) I was definitely on her side. That was until she and Barack Obama would face off (Albeit admittedly briefly). I don’t think that she was prepared for how he spoke, his explanation of the issues and most importantly how much people were hungry for change. I mean nothing has really changed from Bill to her while Obama was a new face with (Kind of) new ideas and a new voice that wasn’t the same look of the party. Now Hillary is a female and that in itself is a change from the status quo but I believe that POLITICALLY she should have distanced herself a little more from Bill to get the “change” aspect over. For young people just being a woman isn’t “change” just as much as being “Black” isn’t a change. It’s in your words and her words were the exact same as the party had been pushing for years and Bill had been pushing in his two terms. Not BAD, just the status quo. Oh, that and her campaign team DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THE DAMN RULES OF THE PARTY and mis-managed her funds. My god it was like Gary Coleman’s parents. If you don’t know what I am talking about look it up on the internets or ask me offline. We can have a nice chat over sushi and sake. Mainly sake….I NEEDS IT!
Long story short I guarantee about (These aren’t exact numbers, this is just my opinion) 70-75% of the people that voted for Barack Obama this primary season were Clinton supporters early on. As the process went on and we got to know him (Which is why people that say “We don’t know anything about Obama! We can’t vote for him! He’s an Arab!” upset me a tad. We know about Hillary…she will say what she needs to get the victory which is what I DON’T want as a President) he was able to sway some voters. Hillary had a large ingrained camp of older females that were voting for her no matter what. Obama didn’t even have niggas on his side! Remember Fiddy’s ignorant (But telling) comments?
Yet, here we are. The popular vote will always be a debated topic with the archaic way the Democratic Party votes (Caucus? What the fuck are we, cavemen?!) but in the end the math is the math and you don’t win a football game by getting the most yards. It’s about clock management and scoring more points which is what Obama did. Now get ready because this is going to be an extraordinary five months. This will also be the last I talk about it for a while as I will begin to focus on my original reason for doing this blog: pissing off the fucktards. Ladies and gentlemen…