So yesterday I was online while watching The Boondocks (Stop playing with the white man's water!) and I decided to do something I had not done in about 4 years: enter a chat room. So I went into the Anime Discussion room and boy was it awkward. Now I consider myself a fan, but for crissake man, let it go! I loves me some anime and am considering doing cosplay (just so I can be Ken from Yakitate! Japan and challenge people to dance offs) but I just realized that anime geeks are SCARY. Imagine Trekkies but younger idiots speaking shitty Japanese with cat ears and fox tails. And BTW, no mingers in cat ears. You don't look cute, you look like a minger in cat ears. I may not be Terrance Howard, but I know where to draw the line.
Anyway, I usually use the name Jenovah_X, based on 'Jenovah' cells from Final Fantasy VII (extra points if you can name Sepiroth's mom!) and the 'X' from j-rock band X Japan that I thought was Japan X (thank you for the correction) and I came up with Jenovah_X. Well, a chatter named angelslayer_X asked who I was. I told him 'I am me, who are you?' Come to find out he has a band in California named
Jenova X that does J-rock covers (Sex Machineguns, X Japan, etc).
Cosmic. I know a lot of you may not care, but that was really cool to me. If he sends me some video of their performances, I will post it for the peeps to check out with their permission. Even weirder: we have been using the name for almost the EXACT same amount of time and he is less than a year younger than me. Talk about surreal. Awesome, but surreal.
So I saw on VGCats that Bleach is getting licensed. It's about damn time, that show kicks the ass. Let's just hope it doesn't end up on Fox Kids butchered and merchandised all to hell. I am all for Kon breakfast cereal, though. Now that would be good eatin.
Speaking of Fox Kids and merchandising hell, its RANT TIME. This rant is a long time coming, too. Okay, I am sure a few of you remember a show called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Well I do, and I will not lie that show USED to kick ass. Even though Billy was like 40 playing a 17 year old (they were Juniors, right?) I could get past that because it was a happy action Morphin time! That and Kim was
nuclear. At least nuclear to an 11 year old and she had a little bit of boo-tay, you feel me? On another note, you know who was quite alright and never got a lot of play? Scorpina. In the episode where she pretended to be an exchange student, she looked quite alright. Anyway, combine that with battle scenes taken DIRECTLY from the Japanese Digirangers (I think that's the spelling. Little help?) and it was a grand old time. I even had the first set of Megazords! I remember that after the second season/beginning of the third season when their zords got destroyed by Lord Zedd (who turned from badass to joke WAAAAAAY to quick for my tastes) and they got the Thunder Zords (the best looking of the bunch IMHO) and it was on during PRIME TIME. That is how big the Power Rangers were.
I was at Toy's R' Us looking for a copy of Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana when I way the toys for the new Power Rangers Mystic Crap or something. Since when did the Power Rangers need magic?! They have giant robots and bad-ass weapons! My god, Bandai has bastardized that franchise! After the first movie, America should have bowed out of the Power Ranger series. Instead, Fox squeezed every bit of money out of it like....well Hasbro did with Transformers. Machine Wars, anyone? After the Escaflowne incident, I can say fuck Bandai without much remorse. I have counted 12 different
incarnations of the Power Rangers franchise.
Aside from the first run and the short time in season 3 with the
Shogun Zords (god, I'm a nerd) they have all sucked ass! How do I know without seeing it, you ask? The Brokeback Mountain Theory. Don't have to see it to know it sucks.
What really hurts is that thay have taken a pretty kick-ass time in my childhood and Saved By The Belled it. Those who saw
Saved By The Bell: The New Class know what I am talking about. Except for the saucy ass Bianca Lawson. Anyway, back to the point. If there are people that remember the Power Rangers, remember the good times. The times of joy and old school Morphers. The days of Bulk and Skull as comic relief. The joy of seeing the Megazord forming after Rita yelled 'Make my monster GROW!'. The fact that the putties rivaled Stormtroopers, Cobra soldiers and the Foot Clan as ass-whoopin fodder for the good guys. And they DANCED! Beat that, George Lucas! Quite simply, remember the Power Rangers for the joy they bought us, not for the crap they are now. For the fans, here is something truly
kick-ass. One question: why does Angel Grove have an International Airport? What in the hell is IN Angel Grove any-damn-way? Rita and Zedd used to say 'Angel Grove, and THEN the world!' Does Angel Grove have an oil reserve or nuclear warheads? That just always bugged me. That and the fact the five kids that always hung out and were almost RACIALLY LINKED to their colors and Zords (black dude as the Black Ranger and Asian girl as the Yellow Ranger. They might as well had an Irishman be the Guinness Ranger) always disappeared when the Power Rangers showed up and came back when the trouble was over. Yet, no one put two and two together. What can you expect from people whose buildings were made of CARDBOARD. It was still a great time to be a kid.
Can't talk about Power rangers without mentioning one of the originals. Voltron, fool!
If you watched that and didn't tear up a little, you are not a cartoon fan. Strong Chachi....not gonna cry....
Now that I am feeling all nostalgic, tomorrow I am doing a special Random Words of Chachi. No, not on teen pregnancy. I will present to you the most underrated shows of my youth (or Ute) for the peeps approval. Feel free to leave ideas for some of your own shows that you dug as a kid as well. I'll put it up and give you a shout out. I'm gonna edit this entry in a bit because Blogger is licking taint and not letting pictures in. Until then, stay up, peeps.
Chachi out.