Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Reading Is For Poor People!

What is up, peeps! The omnibus is running a little bit late because I was busy all day today but things are looking up. Looks like Denver is once again, like Florida in the 2000 Presidential Election, is in play. I’ll tell you more if you care but I know you don’t so let’s just get back to why you came here: to be offended.

So as you know I am creating a collection of my blogs and new thoughts into book form…but it is not a book. I have been putting about a page every few days into each chapter and since I am up to 18 chapters (And I haven’t included an Anime or Gaming chapters so it is going to get longer) it will end up being a work in progress. However, since most of my blogs were about that in the beginning I have a good 10-12 pages worth of them already and just need more.

So here is the continuation of Chapter Six (Of Eighteen) as I already put up some of the chapter a few weeks ago (Early June, I believe). So, I give to you what I have so far of the chapter. Not much, but it’s a start:

Fucking For Free: What Are You, Communist?

Now I have noticed a lot of backlash from women toward pornstars and there can only be one real reason for that. They get paid to do things that you have done for free. A great rhetor named Pimp-C once said that “pussy sells” and dammit, he was right. If you are a woman and you are broke then it is of your own doing because the only things in this world that are in constant demand are:

Copies of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” (Seriously, there are Africans with AIDS that have no fucking food but know the whole dance routine to the “Thriller” video. I guess because they know that Mike won’t be fucking them. BURN)

And the stock of pussy is dropping like Sun Microsystems stock. Pornstars are getting their cash fetti while they still can while the rest of you are pissed off because you can’t take the initiative to do that while you do the exact same mouthfucking for a few drinks and MAYBE a light bill. Not only is Angelina Valentine GOOD at it, she gets paid better than I do and guarantee that she gets paid better than most females I know. She has a job, she does it well and she gets paid for it. You don’t see me hating on Kobe Bryant or Dwayne Wade because they play basketball better than I can. I know my limits and dropping 45 points on the fucking Suns is one of them. Just because you can suck a dick doesn’t mean you should get paid for it. Or should you? Your choice, either get with the program or shut the fuck up.

Don’t Hate Because You Aren’t A Pro

This is something that is very interesting to me because of something Huey from “The Boondocks” once said:

“All women aint hoes, Riley. Seventy….seventy-five percent tops.”

I cannot sit back and say that line is TRUE but I can say that of my female friends that have divulged their sex counts with me it is well over 50 for each. And I say to myself, “And bitch, you are still broke?!” I am broke for a reason: most women aint trying to fuck my fat ass. Those that are…holla at your boy….when you are SOBER. In all seriousness, what is with all the hateration for porn stars? I stated before in my last point that the majority of women that fuck are NOT fucking for money. They aren’t even fucking for RENT. Now I understand that many women claim that they are having sex for love or because of how it feels and I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Logically, let’s put this into perspective. If I could get paid for playing video games, I would get better at it. If my knowledge of anime could make me cash fetti you are DAMN RIGHT I would watch it and get paid for it. I watch that shit for free now and it has gotten me nothing except a small circle of friends and the opposite sex ignoring the shit out of me. The simple fact is that if I got paid for doing something as trivial yet embarrassing as letting my knowledge of anime or video games (Or even in this case, porn) be known if I enjoy it you damn right I am going to do it. Hell, if there was a market for big, Black dudes in porn I would be all over it! Yet women have the audacity to call porn stars “whores” for getting paid to do something they got good at. “Oh my god! They can’t get paid for doing something that I do for free and they do it better than I do!” Get a grip, ladies. Literally. Ladies, rather than insulting porn stars why don’t you try to get in on that racket? When I wanted to be a rapper, I honed my rhyme skills. I knew I could be better than some (Well….all) of the rappers out there and I took a shot at it. If YOU want to get some of that porn star money then grab a dick and start practicing! Get yourself some sex training and create a montage out of it! You have all the tools to do what they do but you don’t because you think you are above it. Fuck that, no one is above shit. If you aren’t going to take two wangs on camera and get paid for it then maybe you shouldn’t do it on tape at all. Just a thought for all you ladies out there that will film for free. Better get yourselves a Union or some shit.

Pretty good, right? Or not so much. Like I said….work in progress. Well, here is an excerpt of Chapter Seven entitled “Are You Still Talking? Because I Stopped Listening To You An Hour Ago.” Yes, that is the name of the chapter. This thing is going to RULE!

You Got To Beat Them To Keep Them

Now understand something about me right here and right now: I don’t believe that hitting a woman is right in any way shape or form. I have been hit by a woman and shockingly enough my first response wasn’t to hit her (It was to block but she was QUICK) as much as it was to just leave that situation before it got out of hand. So I don’t understand how any man’s response to a violent act by a woman is more violence is a woman because if a woman makes the first strike that woman is obviously crazy and has shit she needs to deal with. All that being said, it seems that a woman that is beaten is a woman that is kept. Now I live in only one tiny section of this blue and green orb we call Earth but from what I have seen and experienced a woman that is abused somehow gets into her little brain (1/3rd the size of a man, look it up) that it is either acceptable to put up with that kind of treatment or that they are too scared to leave. Understand one thing real quick: abuse is a crime. I despise the term “hate crime” because any crime whether it be assault or menacing is a crime just as much as I despise the term “domestic abuse” because assault is assault no matter whether it is a stranger or your wife. Fuck the emotional aspect to it, he breaks the law he goes to jail. So if it is in YOUR mind that YOU can’t leave then it is YOUR damn fault that YOU continue to get hit. I am sorry, that is just logic. The law is on your side as is public opinion so the fact that women live for years in abusive homes that isn’t Tina Turner only has herself to blame. None of you have platinum albums and none of you have Grammy’s to win so you have no need to actually stay there. I am not marginalizing the pain and suffering as much as I am taking you to task for the result of your inaction. Or….your stupid actions.

Now I was speaking to Griff and he told me something that I have been saying for years about women that we know that were in abusive relationships: they had to get their point across at the expense of their face. This is so fucking true and I know it is unfair but like I accept not going some places in the South (Or Colorado, for that matter), TOUGH SHIT. The majority of abuse occurs during or after an argument and in what I have heard (And seen, rough shit) it happens after she says something that was really not needed. You see, women are like that basketball team that does a slam dunk on a breakaway after the game is already won or lost. You have already won or lost the game so doing anything showboaty is seen as a slight. Now add in a crazy-ass nigga and his inability to handle conflict from you and what do you THINK will happen if you continue to mouth off to him? He will admit you are right? Bitch please; he will CATCH YOU with a right to the gut! Then you want to get upset. No, you should have just left it how it was because either you knew that man was one quip from busting your lip or now you KNOW he is one quip from busting you lip and you need to go. Either way, there should never be a second time. It is like trying to explain the importance of bio-fuels to a hungry grizzly bear wearing a salmon costume. That bear doesn’t care if it can save the planet, BITCH YOU LOOK LIKE SALMON AND YOU ARE GOING TO GET SLAPPED!

Really makes you think. That and it really fills up space. But that is life, my friends. I will be back up at some point this week before Friday but until then, stay up peeps.

Chachi Out.