You know, I learned something’s this week….
Lesson Learned #1: Valentine’s Day Is Utter And Complete Bullshit
Yeah, I say that every year, even the times I actually had someone to be with but I honestly believe that Valentine’s Day is the most trifling of all the holidays (Which hasn’t been often. I guess I am more of a “it’s spring again” kind of guy):
I mean honestly; if you require a holiday to be told how special you are to someone then you are a worthless fuck. Yeah, I said it. I am so sick and tired of being told that something is wrong with ME because I don’t require a specific DAY to tell or show someone how much I care for them and believe that if you need to be told you are loved on that day then you are a total attention whore and you should pimp your wares somewhere else. Then, I am the bad guy. Valentine’s Day is the Bankai of female attention whores that believe that you have to show how much they are worth to you with gifts and for men with no real concept of the fact that love is intangible and really can’t be shown or quantified with gifts. Unless you are a whore or a john in which knock yourself out. Yes, I went there to motherfuckers. Valentine’s Day sucks and if you think it is relevant to your relationship rather than showing your feelings everyday then you should be shot in the babymakers because you breeding with anyone makes more stupid people.
Yeah, peeps I am on a epiphany roll right now.
Lesson Learned #2: Mexicans & Black People Are The EXACT SAME PEOPLE
So after going to the Gabriel Iglesias show on Saturday I realized that racism is the dumbest form of ignorance this side of beer pong and diss songs…or diss songs about ping pong which I am sure is coming. I mean, I have never seen more average looking Mexican males with below average looking White women since…the last rap concert I went to (I think it was Tech 9ine?). I swear; Black men and Hispanic men both love average looking white women, ugly ass cars, tacky ass clothes and being loud for no fucking reason. You would figure we would get along better as a people. Mexicans do the work Blacks won’t do, although most Black men don’t do ANY work but you can’t be choosy when proving a point. Both LOVE 70’s funk (Well, Black men do. Niggas love 50 Cent and they can have his dumb ass) and boxing. Hell, both make babies and don’t take care of them! You don’t hear Asian comics talk about babydaddies and babymommas! Mostly because they are dishonored and they will Chris Brown a woman with the quickness. Yes, Chris Brown has passed Ike Turner as my benchmark for beating women. Sad statement yes, but good for proving a point and the occasional comedic presence. In other words, Viva La Rizzle, My La-Tizzles! Man…that should offend EVERYONE.
Lesson Learned #3: You Gotta Do You, Because No One Else Will
So after a rousing conversation with a certain someone over mint juleps and coffee (Yep, I am gonna get me a plantation and start beating me some honkey slaves, too. Turnabout, bitches!) I learned something today: fuck the world if they can’t adjust. Now I rant on this blog a lot but a rarely ever get on my soapbox about much of anything because ranting is more for humor but I usually release to my closest friends. However, this is something for everyone. We all kind of realize at some point, unless you are Diddy, a vampire hunter or a cat that your life isn’t EXACTLY how everyone expects your life to be. People are expected to go to college, find a job, find a mate, marry that mate, make a family and then be a member of society that makes babies and…well, does nothing else really but move the economy. When you DON’T follow that plan, everyone looks at you like “what are you doing?!” because the common consensus (Especially in a place like this where everyone has a child because they are too busy fucking and not thinking about where babies come from. Lack of air kills brain cells; it’s science) is that you have to have a family to be complete. You marry, make babies then lather, screw and repeat. But honestly, that concept is so flawed that just looking at it at face value explains how come there is such a high divorce rate.
You see, K-Money said something that should wrap off of your lives in a nutshell:
“Your twenties are therapy for what you happened to learn in your early years and teens.”
Now, running with that if you get married in your twenties…you know NOTHING. Nothing about yourself, nothing about most of the world and most importantly nothing about other people. If you have no concept of those aspects, how can you POSSIBLE be with someone else. 50 Cent said it best and I will say it one more time:
“If you don’t know who you are, how can your dreams come true?”
You spend the time when you are supposed to be finding out who you are and what works for you either:
• Working at a job that doesn’t maximize what you want to be
• Going to college to take a major that is irrelevant to what you want to do
• Marry someone that doesn’t know what they want to do or be EITHER
• Getting yourself/someone else pregnant and having the traditional Catholic wedding (Yeah, I don’t like Catholics. You know that if you read this thing at all)
Hell, some of you out there have done all three. Then, by the time you are thirty and you realized you kind of spent your formative and learning years learning NOTHING you sit back and get divorced or decide to “find yourself” when it is a little bit too late because if you don’t know who you are or what you want to do by about 32ish then you are too far behind the curve by the popular standard of…some guy or something.
The simple fact is if you follow the standard motis operandi of how the masses believe you should be (Marrying and making babies just because without really looking past just doing what you are supposed to) then you are the problem, not the people that spent the time to find out what they wanted to be and spent the time to find out who they are as individuals. Guess what? We don’t WANT to be you. Yes, you may think we are selfish because we didn’t get married out of high school and begin to make babies and start families but you know what? Now many of you are divorced with crazy ex-husbands and bitchy baby-mommas and are just now taking the time out to find out what their issues are (Or in some cases refuse to take a hard look at themselves because they have been set in their fucktard ways for so long that they think it is pointless to change. Good luck with that, you dumb bitch) which actually makes you NOT the standard. In other words, we are the normies. NOT YOU. Put that in your self-righteous pipes and stick them up your asses. There is nothing wrong with finding yourself before you find someone else. As a matter of fact, it should be mandatory rather than getting married to the first person you knock up because if you are knocking people up and you aren’t married then you really aren’t really the brightest bulb in the fucking marquee to begin with. I am just saying.
In closing, if you are at a point where you believe that nothing is going right even though you are doing the right thing…odds are you are doing the right thing. That’s why nothing is going your way right now. I am not a big believer in karma but I am a believer in being who you are. Don’t be someone else because you think it is best for you be like everyone else or put your path to the side for the sake of others. You can balance both because at the end of the day, can’t no body love you like you:
Okay, the line is in there at the end but this is one of my favorite Foxy Brown songs so I wanted to post me. Sue me, I liked the “How To Be A Player” Soundtrack. In the end, ain’t a damn thing wrong with getting to know you because until you do you are worthless to anyone else. Believe it!
Wow…50 Cent, Foxy Brown, Biz Markie and Naruto on one post? I dare ANYONE to top that randomness. Yep, I am back. I will be back on Wednesday as tomorrow I have to work on a holiday even though my job is based on schools and they are closed so that makes PERFECT FUCKING SENSE while Tuesday is the do-or die day of whether I stay here or not. More info later but until then, you all stay up.
Chachi Out.