Something I want to talk about right now…
Yes, I fucking went there. So the other day I did my usual thing of pirating (ARRR!) music and I saw a song in my torrent pack called “Whooty” by some bunch of random niggas named EDubb. Now first off I knew they weren’t the smartest of characters because that name just screams “fuckwit” but I was making a mix CD and I made the mistake of actually playing this ear-rape of a song:
Now for those of you that DON’T know what a “whooty” is I blame you for not listening to this song but at the same time you are smarter than I because I took the time out to do so and I feel dumber for it. Now usually I let shit like this slide because I am a firm believer in each their own but…
If you are offended by that word, stop acting like one. You know, there was a time that looking at a White woman the wrong way got you strung up like fucking set of Christmas lights in Castle Rock and your face rearranged like Rihanna’s face after she was Chris Brown’d so I guess I should be happy we have exited those days of violent racism. Right into a world of utter and complete niggaosity to the point that SOME DUMB ASSES MAKE A SONG ABOUT WHITE WOMEN WITH ASS! Now I say “DAT ASS” as much as anyone but it’s a meme. They are all over the internet. Niggerdom however needs to be stopped. I felt the same way about that USDA song “White Girl” especially after I found out the cockmongers weren’t certified to do a god damn thing. Except be gangsta I guess, and we all know you can claim that shit on your taxes now a days. God…I hate ignorance so fucking much. Maybe we need to bring back lynching to keep the eyeballin to a minimum because that shit is just ridiculous. If you like this song then you are a fucking moron and I hope you never breed because the only thing your children will be good for are target practice for drive bys and strippers. Eat a dick.
As you can see, I am pretty pissed the fuck off and had a relatively shitty day. Oh, and with that being said; ladies if you wear gray slacks and a black shirt…you are getting fucked. Borderline to the point of deportation on my part. That is fucking hot to me. Everybody got they something. That is all for now. I am tired and have been late every day since…March? So I may try to be on time tomorrow. Or not, who fucking knows.
Chachi Out