Morning, peeps! Well it is another awesome Tuesday for the Chachi and I must say it is better than most. Usually I am ready to threaten violence on someone but something is different today. I dunno, just not as mad as usual. Almost…copasetic if you will. Something big is gonna happen. I’m talking bear attack big, I just know it.
So I would like to comment on the Blog’s traffic as of late. I told you all a few weeks ago that my counter was jacked up after changing my background like seven times in two days and I guess the code was missing some strings and wouldn’t link to the counter. Long story short, I had no idea who was coming here. Odds are it was no one because…well this thing sucks. I mean blogs are usually lame in general and mine is no different. So I decided to put a new counter on my blog (StatCounter, fool! What!) and I was shocked to see something. Since Tuesday, I have had 104 visitors as of last night. That’s like 20 people a day! I’m bigger than…nothing but I still feel good about myself. It means people are interested in my rants, although for the most part they wont get them. Even still, it is good to have more peeps on the site. A big thanks to the regular readers (All four of you! You keep me updating, you and my crappy life anyway) and a howdy to the new readers. It’s great to have you. Pull up a chair, grab a nice cup of coffee and be utterly and completely confused and offended by the journey that is The Passion of Chachi.
Okay, back to what this blog is all about: Randomness. So long time readers know that I haven’t talked much about Bleach as of late. There is a good reason for that, it has begun to really get bad. This new Bountu arc is kind of stupid and is moving way too slow. Not slow in a good way like the Soul Society build-up, more like slow in the DBZ way where they would just stand around and grunt and scream for 17 minutes an episode and fight for 2 minutes. That is why DBZ will always be teh suck no matter what those nerds say. Bleach better pick it up fast, especially with Blood+ kicking ass and Prince of Tennis next on my watch list. Hopefully with more Soul Society coming to Earth it will pick up.
Let’s see, what else is going on in the world of Chachi? Oh, so Promiscuous may be the greatest song ever written. First off, Nelly Furtado is looking damn good and Timbaland actually didn’t use the same beat again. Combine that with a legit conversation between two consenting adults (and Justin Timberlake in the video! Can it get any better?) and it’s like a bar scene musical. And there aren’t enough musicals out there. Aside from High School Musical (which only really had two good songs and yes I watched it. It’s not BAD, either) and The Producers (HELL YEAH!) the musical scene has been rather lacking. It’s kind of a downer because singing and dancing at random is what makes America (and India) the greatest country in the world. Hell, if song and dance broke out at random like in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off the world would be a better place! Imagine Palestinians and Israelis dancing in the street to ‘A Night To Remember’ by Shalamar or ‘Rhythm of the Night’ by El Debarge. Musicals are the route to world peace, peeps.
And where in the HELL is St Elsewhere by Gnarls Barkley?! I have been unable to find that album for a week, yet it came out on the 9th of May! And where is Lupe Fiasco?! Kick Push is my jam!
Geez, now that I can actually STAND hip hop again, I can't even find the CD's I want. Sad. Oh, and Common's new album is supposed to be out 8/1/2006. You know who else has a new album that day? Bennie-fricking-K! It's actually another EP (The Bennie K Show 2) but hey, anything with Yuki and Cico is enough to make me giddy like a schoolgirl. August 1st will be the greatest day in the history of the damn world! Even better than the day that Britney Spears fell on stage:
Oh yeah, happy 6-6-6 Day! If I hear another person talk about today is the end of the world I will smack the shit out of them. Seriously. If Hell was really gonna run amok on Earth, it would have done so on a day alot more hellish than this. Like when Get Rich Or Die Tryin was released. The world isn't going to end today, so quit your bitching. If the world didn't end with the release of Paris Hilton's new single it's not gonna end today. If it does, I owe you readers a Pepsi. If it DOESN'T, I get anal. I'm dead serious no matter how bad it gets you will clean my room exactly how I want it.
Well, the Chachi is out for the day. I may be back this evening to comment on the end of the world. Or to say 'na-na-na-na-na-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha'. Until then, LING LING INTO BATTLE GO!
Chachi out.