My god, I hope Lil Mama doesnt vote for President. She would probably vote for T-Pain. HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU VOTE FANNY PAK OVER DISTORTED X?! WHAT THE FUCK, BELLANIE?!
Now dont get me wrong, Xtreme Dance Suckass SHOULD have been in the bottom (Dont blame me, I voted for SUPER CR3W!) two but to send a team that was technically better home over a crew that I will admit is novel and good at what they do but not BETTER is stupid. Distorted X could have done Fanny Pak’s routine, but could the reverse happen? I honestly don’t think so.
Secondly, WHAT IN THE FUCK IS FANNY PAK DOING?! There is a reason the only good thing from the 80's was cartoons, toys and Rick Astley. The 80’s sucked, it is the butt of all jokes and only known for crack and the Cosby Show. They are BreakSk8 of Season 2: good at what they do but not better than their competition at DANCING. Now I am not a professional but looking at all the crews what does Fanny Pak do that is SO special over the others (Except Xtreme Dance Ball-lickers)? NOTHING! Gawd….I hate Lil’ Mama so much. You are usurping the will of the fucking people by having a dance-off that the Electoral Dance College of suck chooses the winner! Could you imagine that shit is it was during the Democratic Primaries?! Dennis Kucinich would have been voted back in EVERY FUCKING WEEK! That my friends is bullshit and destroying America….’s Best Dance Crew. As for JC….you were looking tres gay tonight. Good work on that one.
So I am saying it right here and right the fuck now. If you want to fight about it BRING IT because I will own your face but…
SUPER CR3W’s performance tonight OWNED everything the Jabawockeez and everyone else in Season One ever fucking did.
My god….B-BOY NINJAS?! WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! My brain could NOT REGISTER THE AWESOME! My ears are bleeding….I may need to go to the hospital. That shit was so tight that I can say nothing else. I am voting for Super Cr3w twelve times because they were that bad ass. It hurts because I am all about the Boogie Bots (DID YOU SEE THE SUPER SENTAI INTRO?! AWESOME!) but Super Cr3w killed it. Literally, three people are in the hospital now from awesomeness overdoses. Sounds cool, but it is actually a serious problem. I almost died of it during the Jabawockeez MJ performance in Season One. I was okay, I just watched some BreakSk8 and I was okay. God I hated them. Well the stage has been set and the expectations have been created. Super Cr3w, So Real Crew and Boogie Bots are the teams to beat. Soul Selection is….overrated or just sandbagging. Not sure yet, I think it is the latter and next week they are going to rape my cat because this week was good but seemed a bit too….withdrawn. Something tells me they will murder it next week. A.S.I.I.D. is playing the handi-card which is cool, I would do it if I could. In the end, they remind me of Status Quo sans stunts. Which means they have to grow as a crew real fast because I am not a fan right now. Overall, it was a great show. Minus Fanny Pak and Xtreme Dance Ass-fucking Shitball Asshats. THEY SUCK.
That is all for now. Back to the replay!!
Chachi Out
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Am One Sad, Sad Panda...
Yeah that is some solace in an otherwise bad week. Man, I am at one of those crossroads again as I have to choose between being happy or being…..well, unfulfilled. Most of you know that I am not one of those people that sits back and does a job solely to do the shit. I left the Devil’s Anal Cavity after…two weeks or so because I don’t believe in the collective. I left that insurance place because…wait, I don’t even think THEY knew I worked there. “Where is that Black dude that sat in that chair for a day? Was he the new janitor? He had an attitude problem…”
Now I am back at that moment YET AGAIN as I wonder is learning a new skill set worth completely changing how I am and what I do best: KEEP IT REAL. Okay, that is too vague but I likes that phrase. In all seriousness, I am at the point where I was in….1999 when my old school closed down and I didn’t have a career path. Now I have one but I have totally jumped down another route and after hearing that I am completely blowing the burro at this point I am having second thoughts about myself and my skills for the first time since I started playing Tecmo Bowl for the NES:
Fuck Christian Okoye. FUCK HIM IN HIS HEAD. Yeah, that is exactly how I feel right now. Like I am being bowled over by a big-ass African and all that stands between my death and my permanent paralysis (Yes, this is really a lose-lose situation. Get me some soju and I will tell you about it) is my wits. Problem is my wits can’t stop this problem because it is a BIG ASS AFRICAN BARRELING DOWN ON MY ASS LIKE I AM A FUCKING SANDWICH IN ETHIOPIA! Not sure what I am going to do to overcome this one, peeps.
Combine that with being caught in a glass case of emotion and damnit….this is NOT the Perfect Situation:
What's the deal with my brain?
Why am I so obviously insane?
In a perfect situation
I led love down the drain
There's the pitch, slow and straight
All I have to do is swing and I'm a hero
But I'm a zero
Hungry nights once again
Now it's getting unbelievable
Cause I could not have it better
But I just can't get no play
From the girls all around
As they search the night
For someone to hold on to
And just pass through
Get your hands off the girl
Can't you see that she belongs to me?
And I don't appreciate this
Excess company
Though I can't satisfy
All the needs she has
And so she starts to wander
Can you blame her?
Tell me there's a logic out there
Leading me to better prepare
For the day that something really special might come
Tell me there's some hope for me
I don't want to be lonely
For the rest of my days on the earth
Man….this is going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG year. Luckily, I HAVE AMERICA’S BEST DANCE CREW TO KEEP ME COMPANY! DO NOT BUG ME TONIGHT! As watching it will odds are be the only smile I will have. Because I am a sad….sad panda.
Chachi Out.
Yeah that is some solace in an otherwise bad week. Man, I am at one of those crossroads again as I have to choose between being happy or being…..well, unfulfilled. Most of you know that I am not one of those people that sits back and does a job solely to do the shit. I left the Devil’s Anal Cavity after…two weeks or so because I don’t believe in the collective. I left that insurance place because…wait, I don’t even think THEY knew I worked there. “Where is that Black dude that sat in that chair for a day? Was he the new janitor? He had an attitude problem…”
Now I am back at that moment YET AGAIN as I wonder is learning a new skill set worth completely changing how I am and what I do best: KEEP IT REAL. Okay, that is too vague but I likes that phrase. In all seriousness, I am at the point where I was in….1999 when my old school closed down and I didn’t have a career path. Now I have one but I have totally jumped down another route and after hearing that I am completely blowing the burro at this point I am having second thoughts about myself and my skills for the first time since I started playing Tecmo Bowl for the NES:
Fuck Christian Okoye. FUCK HIM IN HIS HEAD. Yeah, that is exactly how I feel right now. Like I am being bowled over by a big-ass African and all that stands between my death and my permanent paralysis (Yes, this is really a lose-lose situation. Get me some soju and I will tell you about it) is my wits. Problem is my wits can’t stop this problem because it is a BIG ASS AFRICAN BARRELING DOWN ON MY ASS LIKE I AM A FUCKING SANDWICH IN ETHIOPIA! Not sure what I am going to do to overcome this one, peeps.
Combine that with being caught in a glass case of emotion and damnit….this is NOT the Perfect Situation:
What's the deal with my brain?
Why am I so obviously insane?
In a perfect situation
I led love down the drain
There's the pitch, slow and straight
All I have to do is swing and I'm a hero
But I'm a zero
Hungry nights once again
Now it's getting unbelievable
Cause I could not have it better
But I just can't get no play
From the girls all around
As they search the night
For someone to hold on to
And just pass through
Get your hands off the girl
Can't you see that she belongs to me?
And I don't appreciate this
Excess company
Though I can't satisfy
All the needs she has
And so she starts to wander
Can you blame her?
Tell me there's a logic out there
Leading me to better prepare
For the day that something really special might come
Tell me there's some hope for me
I don't want to be lonely
For the rest of my days on the earth
Man….this is going to be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG year. Luckily, I HAVE AMERICA’S BEST DANCE CREW TO KEEP ME COMPANY! DO NOT BUG ME TONIGHT! As watching it will odds are be the only smile I will have. Because I am a sad….sad panda.
Chachi Out.
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