Hells yeah. All I have to say. Now that I have that out of the way. Wait, let me watch that again. Okay…I think I’m good. So it is time for good stuff! Here is the next installment of…
101 Things That Piss Me Off!
We have made it into the 50’s! Shouldn’t I be at the back of the blog? ZING!
59. People With Their Feet Out The Window When Driving: Yeah, this shit is fucking disgusting. If you do this, I hope you get AIDS of the feet. Assholes.
58. American Idol: Now I haven’t watched a full season of this show since Ruben Studdard and after Daughtry didn’t win I decided that the world was fucked up anyway but has any redeeming quality come from this show? I mean I haven’t been entertained since I was confused about Clay Aiken and what the hell he was. Oh, and the answer was gay. I SO CALLED IT! Anyway, this show sucks now.
57. Narutards: Okay, I am as much of a Naruto fan as anyone else. I stopped watching the show after a while because there was more filler than killer and it is so far behind the manga that it isn’t even funny anymore but my issue is with the fans under the age of 17. I mean…do NOT WEAR THE PUSSY DEFLECTORS AND BY ALL MEANS DO NOT DO JUITSUS IN PUBLIC! You make us all look bad. Just…stop. Unless you are a hot Sakura. Then you can do what you want…to me, anyway.
56. WNBA: Okay, if there is nothing on I have tested my tolerance and I can watch about 12 minutes of women’s’ college basketball, including commercials. It is actually enjoyable to watch in short intervals. In no way do I LIKE it, but it is entertaining. But the WNBA…I have no idea what happens when women go pro but man they just stop giving a shit. It is the most god awful sport since sloth wrangling. Yes they are athletes and YES they are better than me at basketball but they are supposed to be. They are also entertainers and they fail at that because I have no idea who their fans are but I don’t know any.
55. Butt Secks: …Yeah, I am just going to say never again. All that results is tears and an awkward next 30 minutes.
54. Push Up Bras: Okay, I understand the need for a woman to feel “pretty” because…well, you are just like that. Which is fine, I like to feel pretty as well. But let’s face it here; the need for the push-up bra died the day I saw Yoobin from the Wonder Girls:

My god…MOAR. If she doesn’t need one then neither do you, ladies. Cuz aint none of you Yoobin. She’s so…so…so…hot, hot. REFERENCE!
53. Vintage Tees: Okay, just iron your fucking shirt. How can a vintage tee shirt be something YOU JUST FUCKING BOUGHT FROM THE DOUCHE STORE? Gee, vintage tee shirt with The White Stripes or Axe Body Spray on it? Yeah, real vintage fucky.
52. Health Insurance: Biggest racket in fucking America. Such damn bullshit that you have to pay for shit in case it happens and when it DOES happen they say…nah, not today. Fuckers.
51. Bubsy 3D: WORST. GAME. EVER.
Well, maybe not THE worst but boy is it close. More on the worst game ever later on.
50. Alternative Rock: Alice In Chains. Pearl Jam. Soundgarden. Sonic Youth. A host of others (Minus Nirvana). Back in the 90’s, alt rock was awesome. As a Black (I think that’s what we are called now) I wasn’t really allowed to be a fan but I didn’t care. Since then we had Candlebox, Cracker, Filter and some other smaller named bands but for the most part once Marcy Playground hit the world of alt rock went to shit. Where has it gone? The closest we have to it now is fucking Simple Plan and aside from ONE SONG they suck ass. It’s getting rather disheartening. And to the first person that says Nickelback is to the first person whose cat will get facefucked. I am so cereal.
Well, that is all for today. I will be back up hopefully on Wednesday with the 40’s. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi Out