Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fight The Power! Unless...You Know, He's Bigger Than You. Then You Negotiate.

It's times like this that I wonder why in the hell news outlets exist:

Listen, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about national security because if we cant stop a bunch of undersexed, highly irritable, suicide obsessed, misguided fanatics (not Muslims, FAN-AT-TICKS) from running planes into building then maybe we aren’t as advanced as of a country as we thought. Israel has had terrorism for years, not ONE KNOCKED DOWN BUILDING. We have had three (although one was kind of done by a crazy WHITE GUY, which is TOTALLY different than a crazy Moroccan and Saudi Arabian).

I am so sick of people trying to make me scared of every-fucking-thing because terrorists could strike at any moment. If you believe that then you are a fucking moron. Two attacks in 230+ years isn’t a bad average, quit being such pussies. Quit being such naïve fuckers acting like it can’t happen here because it can and it will because you can’t stop crazy and for the most part…TERRORISTS ARE CRAZY! Living in a culture of fear and blowing up everything at the first sign of an Arab isn’t going to fix JACK SHIT. Be fucking smart, not paranoid. There is a definite difference.

Now I have been called Un-American because of my non-hatred (Which to r-tards equals support) for Muslims (Well, not as much support for Muslims as much as a distain for fucktards) during this time where we all must have a UNIFIED FRONT OF HATE AND STUPIDITY (Trademark pending)! I don’t hate people for one a few do; I take it up with the individuals. Getting pissed off at a whole group of people because of something a few do isn’t patriotism, its prejudiced and overall stupid. I know I rail on the Jews but at the end of the day, they killed Jesus. Name one thing more hardcore than letting the “son of God” (BULLLLSHIIIIIIIIIIIT!) get nailed like Ashlynn Brooke (She’s hot for a blond, I must say) and truly not giving a flying fuck? I am saying it now: Jews rule. I mean I SAY “fuck Jesus” like Jim Jones says “BALLIN!” but they MEAN that shit. They feel about Jesus like I feel about Rich Boy: Meh.

Back to the point, people need to get off of this whole “Culture of Fear” bullshit. If you leave the house and you are afraid of terrorists then you are the biggest fucking idiot ever. I mean EVER. I am more scared of Blacks, taxes, rednecks, jailbait (DAMN YOU, HAYDEN!), piss-poor drivers and bros than I am of some non-masturbating, eternally bitter fanatic. I think its funny how that when Muslims “kill for their religion” its insanity but when Christians do it, it’s “righteous”. So unless you are:

- Buddhist (Solely because Buddha was cool when I left the group in 1999. He understood I had solo dreams)
- Taoist (Big ups to Chairman Tao! I kid, I kid)
- Atheist (Now this one was difficult because some fucktards believe that Taoists and Buddhists are atheists because the believe in a personal savior rather than a deity. In the end, anyone that gives the finger to organized religion is okay by me.)
- Jewish (They may be crazy bastards like the rest, but at least they were the FIRST crazy bastards.)

Shut the fuck up! Keep Jesus out of my politics and keep 9/11 out of my election. Get over it, it was going to happen at some point because that’s what happens when you fuck with crazy people. They do crazy shit, you saw “What’s Love Got To Do With It”.

Now onto something else that has been bugging me for minute. I watched some of the Republican debates on Fox News because I hate myself and I am totally a fan of Ron Paul now. Mainly because he smacked down Rudy Giuliani using our own intelligence:

But once again, Americans have 9/11 up their ass so because he isn’t down for the war he is against the troops.

Okay, everyone knows my stance: I am against the war AND against the troops because if Army, Navy and Air Force can’t beat Notre Dame how can they beat Al Qaeda? They run a spread option; you know how hard it is to stop that shit?! Ask Ohio State and Oklahoma! I am NOT going to explain that joke, watch some college football. In all seriousness, I do not support the war (not like it fucking matters) and I will voice my disapproval since I have no say in whether or not we send troops to conflict. Going to war with Iraq was pointless because:

1. Bigger threats to deal with. Well, not necessarily BIGGER as to say imminent. Iran and North Korea are and were more threatening than Iraq. Hell, Venezuela was more of a threat!
2. That region sucks. Fuck the Middle East. There, I said it. Israel needs to just fucking move out. It’s like the family that refuses to leave because the neighborhood has gone downhill and the property value has dropped. Sometimes it’s best to chalk it up as a loss and charge it to the game. We are not a religious nation (Despite what Jerry Falwell and others would say), but the Middle East is a religious region. We should NOT EVER get involved…period.
3. Terrorism happens. Hell, 9/11 wasn’t the first attack on American soil. It was the first of most massive destruction but that is what five years of planning will do for you. It has been going on in countries as long as I can remember and being overseas for my childhood and early teens I heard about attacks everyday. People say that isn’t a good view, but it is logical. If someone hates you, they will get to you. And why do they hate us? Reason four…
4. Do Unto Others and Blah Blah Blah. Think of it like this: if Canada started building Air Force bases in Jefferson County, Missouri would Mormons be pissed? If France just decided to build an Army facility (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…whooooo) right next to The Vatican, you think the Catholics would take two seconds to stop sodomizing young boys to consult the scrolls and get all indignant? The answer is yes. Religion makes people stupid, flat out. So the United States building military installations on THEIR holy land is how different? It is just as stupid in my opinion but if you don’t respect others religious beliefs you can’t get upset when they get all pissy right back. And to you moronic shits that say that 9/11 isn’t justification for a few military bases: no shit. They are crazy, and that’s how crazy rolls.

Add in the fact that there is no (sensible, anyway) link to Al Queda in Iraq previous to the invasion, no weapons of mass destruction (the reason we went in the first place) and no real…PLAN TO WIN THIS THING and I would say that the US and A is in quite the dilly of a pickle.

Oh, and to people pissed about people voting for Bush against Kerry in 2004 you must realize one thing. It wasn’t about the worthlessness of Kerry or the popularity (RIGHT) of Bush. It was about the feeling of Americans deep down that we are all bitches. I will say this one last mother-fucking time:

“With great power comes great responsibility”

Name ONE PRESIDENT in the last…60 years or so that has really believed that? Lil Bush fuck-faced the Constitution, Clinton face-fucked interns, Bush face-fucked world politics and Reagan face-fucked…everyone that wasn’t White. Fuck Reagan. Oh, and Carter was face-fucked by a bunny. It all breaks down with the fact that we as Americans don’t want the power OR responsibility of deciding what to do so we leave it into the hands of our elected officials. Well, not like a representative democracy gives us much of a CHOICE but you get the idea. We have the power to voice our opinions and not be shot at (unless you went to Kent State but that was hippies so…I’ll allow it) but at the same time…no one ever says anything of value? Is Fox News really helping by slanting everything to the right? Are CNN and every shitty celebrity helping by slanting everything to the left? Is MSNBC helping by…sucking? NO. The more you think for yourself, the more you realize that the news isn’t shaping your views but since Americans are lazy and stupid (I will admit to lazy, but I didn’t go through three years of grade school to be called stupid) they base what they believe off of fake news and fake texts. Like…Fox News and the Bible? CNN and the Necronomicon? The Daily Show and Mad Magazine?

I have noticed that as I have begun to analyze candidates and issues based on how I feel rather than what I see on TV (since high school-ish timeframe) I have realized that I despise a two party system. People say it isn’t, but logic cannot be denied:

1. Americans are People.
2. People are stupid.
3. Stupid people are easily swayed.
4. Easily swayed people watch Cable TV.
5. Cable TV has all the news channels.
6. All news channels have agendas.
7. Agendas equal propaganda to push there message.
8. Propaganda is used to persuade the stupid.
9. People are stupid.
10. Americans are people.
11. Americans are stupid.

If all is true, I guess Americans are persuaded by Cable TV propaganda because they are stupid.
Now, if the above is true and those news channels are pushing their agenda they need to only have one enemy. Mainly because they only can give “news” in 22 minute blocks broken up by 2 minute commercial intervals because Americans can’t focus on anything for more that 7 minutes at a time not called Halo. They do that by finding the party that the most people align themselves with and shoving it as far down our throats they can without killing us. Every vote counts, especially since so few of you FUCKING VOTE. So why are we a two party system?

People sacrifice some of their issues and vote for the lesser evil. People sacrifice free-thought to be a Conservative (Yeah, keep your shitty Jesus out of my election. Thaaaaaanks). They sacrifice common sense to be a liberal (The government caused 9/11? Our government can’t make kill Fidel Castro and that dude is almost dead by natural causes). We all sacrifice our civil liberties for the illusion of national safety. We are asked to give up our right to speak out against the war with the threat of being against the troops. I don’t believe in sacrifice when it comes to rights. My family didn’t get all those ass-whoopins and hoses for me to not vote for the candidate that fits me most.

This isn’t one of those call-to-actions that I do every now and then. I really just want people to not watch cable TV. First off, unless it is Adult Swim or Comedy Central it sucks. Second off, it is all rather slanted so you don’t learn anything. It’s like trying to learn to drive by playing “Mario Kart”. I mean you CAN do that, but is it the best route to go about it if you want to not get pulled over or hit with a shell? The internet has MORE options, albeit slanted. All I ask of you is to get yo’ learn on. Figure out a candidate that fits what you believe are the key aspects of a president and will address the issues that you feel are pressing. And for those that say “what this president does and says doesn’t effect my world” will remember that when you taxes are 52%, gas is $5.03 a gallon, all work has been outsourced to Costa Rica and the Chinese have Army bases in Castle Rock. That kind of thinking is what a-holes prey on. Don’t forget:

“Indifference is more damaging than ignorance because being indifferent feeds the ability for people to remain that way.”

I will be back to the funny rants and stuff next time. Stay up, peeps.

Chachi Out.