Man, that commercial is funny as hell. Anyway, good early ass morning peeps. As most of my friends are college grads, high schoolers out on vacation or just bums I am sure that you arent even awake right now. You are the smart ones.
As you all know, Steven Colbert has been one step ahead of me for about ten months now. I began my fight to end the Bear Revolution in college but Mr. Colbert beat me to the punch of bringing it nationwide. That and people actually like/listen to him. It's hard to start a movement when you are threatening to beat people with a cactus on a stick every five minutes. Also, he has 'On Notice' while in college I had 'The List' which I want to bring back to the blog but that would just be redundant at this point. Damn you, Stephen Colbert and your quick mind. No alcohol mean me no correctly function. With that being said, I would like to give advice to the peeps. A lot of peeps have given me help over the last few weeks and I would like to return the favor to the world, minus Canada. So send your questions in a comment or in an e-mail to and I will give you a little bit of advice. I was gonna do 'Ask A Pirate' post once a week, but I gotta be totally ripped to do that.
I WILL however add a new weekly post to the blog. In accordinance with Douchebrawl (because it RULED) I will have the Douche of the Week every Friday or Saturday morning (depending on whether it is party time on Friday night) so keep your eyes out.
Alright, it's rant time. Yesterday there was a spirited discussion with a few friends and I about this report. It was stated that although Hitler's douchebaggery is well documented (not according to Iran, but to the rest of the SANE WORLD it's known) that he actually did a lot to rebuild Germany and was one drunken stupor in a bunker from ruling the world. Well, I wont go THAT FAR but I will agree with one point: its not logical to place someone in a box forever for one action, though his action was a fucking DOO-ZY. Now keep in mind, Hitler ended up trying to wipe out a whole race of people and made it impossible to wear that mustache anymore (behind the porn star and the handle bar it IS the collest 'stache out there) so like I said; his track record for douchebaggery is well defined. The example of Abe Lincoln was brought up. Now I knew that Abe was considered borderline nuts and used the press to bash his enemies (like Eminem in a crappy hat. Seriously, Abe was SUCH a fashion disaster). The fact that he was challenged to a duel? Priceless. Even though he became a 'great' president after the fact, mainly due to necussity because his as was GRASS if he didnt change his ways, he was still a jerk in the previous years. Does that knock out what he did later? Not in the eyes of America. I remember Chris Rock bringing up the fact that Rudy Guiliani was still the dude that wanted to launch the homeless into space after everyone was jangling his balls after 9/11. Did the fact that he was a below par mayor (Although he really did launch the homeless into outerspace. Really cleaned up the place, know what I mean?) prior to 9/11 overshadow his leadership? No, although Harrison Ford would have done a better job. The man has been on the Millenium Falcon AND Air Force One. AND he melted Nazis! BEAT THAT, GIULIANI!
Well, times are different now. As Rob Lowe, Terrell Owens, Robert Downey Jr. and the King of R&Pee (R. Kelly for the new readers) have proven, you can be have past indescretions looked over if you...make the Ignition Remix.
Well, that's all for now. That was less a rant, more a commentary and observation. Well, I am out for now. I will try to post something tomorrow morning for you all. Until then, stay up peeps.
Chachi out.
Dont forget, Silly Hat Day on Friday!!
(Update: WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! Oh yeah, I'm gonna rant about this shit today or tomorrow morning. It is FRIED CHICKEN, people. FRIED. People are so fucking stupid. Chachi out again.)