s cookie. DICK MOVE! In a good way, I hate DiCaprio WAY more than Brady. Oh, and it's SUPER BOWL SHUFFLE TIME, PEEPS!!!
Hells yeah. DA BEARS!!
Now, for the conclusion of....
The 2007 Chachi Awards!!!
It's time for the major awards, the big trophies if you will. Here we go, starting with Music!
Video/Song of the Year (Overall)
The nominees are...
John Legend – Save Room
UVERworld - Chance
Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean – Hips Don’t Lie
T.I. – What You Know
M-Flo loves Emi Hinouchi and Ryohei – Summer Time Love
Daniel Powter – Bad Day
And The Winner Is…
John Legend – Save Room!!!

Yes, John Legend deserves this. This was a great ALBUM, not just a great R&B album. This video was a great and actually rather original video. Not the standard 'booty butt, booty butt, booty butt cheeks' fare.
Next we have the Best of the Best in the Movies categories!
Best Movie of the Year
The nominees are...
Next we have the Best of the Best in the Movies categories!
Best Movie of the Year
The nominees are...
Clerks II
And The Winner Is…
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
This was close. I mean REEEEEAL close between all the movies because I gave all of them 10 out of 10 stars. At the end of the day, even though the ending pissed me off TO NO END, Pirates was the movie of the year. Borat and Clerks 2 made me laugh, Thank You For Smoking and Accepted made me think and Snakes on a Plane and Grandma's Boy just fucking ruled. At the end of the day, Pirates of the Caribbean did all three. And Johnny Depp's hotness counteracted Orlando Bloom's gayness. Next, we go to one of the big two awards...
Lo Pan Badass of the Year Award!!
Lo Pan would be proud. If he gave a fuck, which he doesn't because he is so bad ass. The nominees are...
Iron Man (Civil War)

Stephen Colbert (Colbert Report)
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
This was close. I mean REEEEEAL close between all the movies because I gave all of them 10 out of 10 stars. At the end of the day, even though the ending pissed me off TO NO END, Pirates was the movie of the year. Borat and Clerks 2 made me laugh, Thank You For Smoking and Accepted made me think and Snakes on a Plane and Grandma's Boy just fucking ruled. At the end of the day, Pirates of the Caribbean did all three. And Johnny Depp's hotness counteracted Orlando Bloom's gayness. Next, we go to one of the big two awards...
Lo Pan Badass of the Year Award!!
Lo Pan would be proud. If he gave a fuck, which he doesn't because he is so bad ass. The nominees are...
Iron Man (Civil War)

Stephen Colbert (Colbert Report)
Samoa Joe (TNA)
And The Winner Is…
STEPHEN COLBERT!!! After staring down Papa Bear last week, that solidified his Bad-Assedness. No, it isn't a word. But it will be. Iron Man pissed me off way too much (I HATE TONY STARK. Always have, always will. Just a pussy Batman) and Superboy Prime went out like a bitch. Samoa Joe almost won it, but Stephen Colbert edged him out. I feel a Muscle Buster coming my way pretty soon. Now, time for the final award of the evening...
And The Winner Is…
STEPHEN COLBERT!!! After staring down Papa Bear last week, that solidified his Bad-Assedness. No, it isn't a word. But it will be. Iron Man pissed me off way too much (I HATE TONY STARK. Always have, always will. Just a pussy Batman) and Superboy Prime went out like a bitch. Samoa Joe almost won it, but Stephen Colbert edged him out. I feel a Muscle Buster coming my way pretty soon. Now, time for the final award of the evening...
The First Annual Chuck Norris Moment Of Awesomeness (The Best Moment of the Year)
Yeah, Chuck would be proud. Or not, pride is an emotion and emotions are beneath Chuck Norris. Except hate, because he hates idiots. Anyway, here are the final nominees of the night!
Yeah, Chuck would be proud. Or not, pride is an emotion and emotions are beneath Chuck Norris. Except hate, because he hates idiots. Anyway, here are the final nominees of the night!
Civil War Arc

The Gravitas Rematch
In-Vince-ible (Vince Young, 2006 Rose Bowl)
And The Winner Is…
Vince Young in the Rose Bowl!!! Sports fan or not, no athelete, EVER had simply imposed their will on an opponent like Vince did against USC. No one has put their team on their back (MALE OR FEMALE for you gender jerkasses) on such a grand stage, either. 400 plus yards of offense and 3 touchdowns against a team that everyone (myself included) felt could not be beat is remarkable. Two Heisman trophy winners, no less than 3 NFL starters from the defense and at least 3 from the offense and Vince Young just said FUNK DAT! The Gravitas Battle was awesome, Civil War has changed the landscape of comics (which I am sure no one who reads this cares about but I do) and Snakes on a Plane was a hell of a ride. Vince Young redefined what a star performance meant. Great job, Vince. Great job.
Thank you for coming, peeps! That is all for the Chachi Awards for 2007! Tune in next January for the 2008 edition of the Chachi Awards! I want to thank all the people that voted (all three of you) and everyone who came out the see the results!
I also have a big announcement. DOUCHEBRAWL 2007 is coming in Feburary/March! I will have the brackets up soon and your input is grately appreciated! Last year I had the peeps add three people and one was Heather Graham, who almost won! So thank everyone and good night! GO BEARS!!!
Live, Laugh, Learn and Love