Damn, ya'll. AnimeLand Wasabi is over and I must say...it was quite alright. Only had about 5 hours of sleep total, many a free drink and got busted in the lip (Although it was by accident). But it WAS SO FUCKING WORTH IT. Full recap in a bit or tomorrow. I have a slideshow to make. Until then, stay tuned.
Bask in the awesomeness, peeps! The slideshow is up and ready for action!
Okay, a few people I want to give a shoutout to:
1. The Straw Hat Pirates: You all got another shout out! We didnt break our NDK numbers for recruits but it was fun trying!
2. The Captain and the Soccer Guy: You dudes rocked the box! And you got me a shot and a beer which was tits.
3. Andy: Man...that video of the capoiera in the Rave is so going up on YouTube. And the MAGNUM POSE as well!
4. Everyone at karaoke on Saturday: Yes, I finally sang the song. You know the song so I wont go into it...but it was epic. ONE TIME ONLY, MOFOS!
5. Anyone that got me alcohol: And damn it, there were a lot of you! Thank you for the beverages, children! Big ups to the guy that invited us to the party in his room. That drink was very bad ass!
6. The person that elbowed me at the rave: My lip hurts. But its all good cuz you started a congo line for me. I'm easy to please.
7. Everyone that asked Chef a question: One guy asked me if it got annoying and I had to tell him no. I mean, if you dress up as Kool-Aid, they will yell "HEY KOOL-AID!" So if you dress as Chef you are going to hear "Hello Chef!" every five seconds and you better be ready for it! And I tried to address everyone that said it but if I didnt: HELLO CHILDREN! LOL, gotta appreciate your audience.
Well, I need to get me some sleep. Doctors tomorrow and back to work....yay. My ass. Yeah, I fricking said it. I will return after I finally get some sleep.
Chachi Out