Monday, October 30, 2006

Someone Has To Do It....

Morning, peeps! Happy shitty Monday to everyone! Oh, and happy Halloween eve to everyone as well! Is it just me, or is Halloween right above Kwanzaa as the most asinine holiday out there? Wait, St. particks Day. The last thing the Irish need is a fucking holiday that encourages getting drunk.

Speaking of drunk (like I need a fucking segway) I went out this Friday night and…I need to make a pact with you peeps. I must NEVER….EVER…EVER go out again on Friday nights. Not because of me, because of other people. You know, when I hang out with Zach, Nolan and Nick nothing stupid ever happens. We all pretty much are the same person but even still. It’s good times because we understand the joke (Who doesn’t know what red tape means? Seriously?!) and don’t need to drink or harass women to say we had a good time. We insult those people. Needless to say, I had a good and bad time.

Which brings me to something special. Sometimes you have to take your lumps and sing for your supper. There are times when even I, the Great Chachi, am wrong and must repent. This is one of those times. After the actions of certain people this weekend proved every theory I had about men correct (stupid as all fuck), there was a lady that proved a lot of my assumptions of women wrong. Now the exception usually creates the rule, so I am not truly wrong about women being stupid when it comes to falling for the bullshit men do. However, with the actions of Friday and seeing how sad some men can be, I now understand the shit women have to weed through. And for that….


Yes, I said it. Mark it down because it will never happen again. I apologize for all the crap you have to go through from guys that aren’t me. Because I don’t talk to you. It’s not my fault, but someone needs to take ownership for the problem that is dumb ass dudes. I will be big enough to own up to it. There are some men out there that literally have to have a chemical problem that causes their brain to malfunction whenever a vagina is within 10 feet of them. There are a lot of men like that, and they need to be weeded out. Seriously, their ranks are growing and soon there wont be enough women that say yes to appease their simple minds and they will turn feral and attack small pets and children. I have seen it happen. If you have a friend like this, stay away. No good can come from it. Soon you will have to go all Old Yeller on his ass and put him down. The law frowns on that kind of thing on humans, too. I don’t know why, the law I guess.

Anyway, I bought John Legend’s album on Saturday and I skipped through a lot of it. What I heard was AWESOME. I say it kicked ass. However, there is a problem. I bough Diddy’s Press Play that same day. After listening to it…I have to say…

It’s actually good.

I know! I am just as shocked as YOU ARE! It is like Outkast meets Prince meets…well Diddy. Even though there are a lot of guest stars, it still feels like a Diddy album. Even the samples are kept to a minimum! When they are used, they fit the track. All I can say is…uh huh, yeah.
I cannot believe I just said that. So at some point this week I will have a timetable of the winter season of Passion of Chachi. We have the Chachi’s coming up at the end of this month (I PROMISE! REALLY THIS TIME!) and the First Annual Year End Music Countdown (It is going to be a doozy) which may be 100 songs, may be 50 I’m not sure yet. Rather than do all the work myself, I am going to enlist the Council of Awesomeness for more input this time out. Stay tuned, hopefully some great changes are afoot that can help me bring a better blog to the peeps!

Oh, one last thing. Rather than letting employees dress up for Halloween, they are going to have ‘Silly Hat Day’ for them at the place I work. Oh, hell no. I had ‘Silly Hat Day’ already, and no one was down for it so fuck them in their stupid heads! Besides, why in the fuck cant people just dress the hell up? I mean is it that damn serious? God, I hate that place sometimes. Just fucking stupid. Any workplace that wont let people dress up for Halloween but will have Christmas all up in your earhole like a 50 Cent single should be burned to the ground. TO THE GROUND! Nah, it’s not even worth the effort.

I will see you next time, peeps. Oh, and Mike Vick is doing pretty damn well this season. Hope he can keep it up. DIRTY BIRDS, FOOL! WHAT!

Live, Laugh and Love.