So Snakes on a Plane only did 15 million? After thinking it makes a lot of sense. The movie was geared toward a certain audience (mainly Zach, Nolan and myself) and we dont draw 40 million opening weekend gross. Just look at Grandma's Boy. Kicked ass, but I made more than that movie. Even still, it was a great flick but isnt going to be this generations Star Wars. Maybe this generations Big Trouble in Little China. Takes a LOT of snakes to match the kick-assedness of Lo Pan, though.
As for Accepted, I need to just go the full monty. Yesterday I gave it a 9 out of 10. After thinking, that movie deserved a 10 on the acting alone. Add in the humor and the message and I give Accepted the holy grail of movie reviews...A 10 out of 10!!! It earned that rating, check it out. You wont be disappointed.
Well, it's time to go back to the grind. Work 15 hours, another day older, deeper in debt you know the deal. Even still, stay up peeps. And to the school aged readers welcome back to class! These are your Wonder Years. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm funny.
Oh, and Britney ain't looking so good. Being married to a hellspawn will do that to you.

If she left now, she could save herself. I'm just KIDDING. Be cool peeps, I will return.
Live, Laugh and Love.