Well guess whose back in the mickey-ficking house? With a brand new blog for your mickey-ficking mouth? Yeah, that’s me. So tomorrow puts us at the half-way month for 2011 and I must say that things are going a lot better in 2011 than they did in 2010. You all know the cluster that 2010 was and even though some great things came out of the year, it was still the model of wasted times and deferred dreams. You learn from mistakes, though.
So this weekend I spent Sunday and Monday with the fam and after spending Sunday night downtown in Colorado Springs (Don’t ask why…I knew it was a bad idea when I went) I realized that in the famous words of Alfred in Batman Begins:
Some men (and women) just want to watch the world burn. Now that may seem to be a bit of hyperbole but to a degree it is very, VERY true. When I sit back and see someone in the club drink to the point of being belligerent and getting violent I sit back and wonder why would they do something that idiotic if they didn’t want to just ruin the fun for everyone else? I mean there is no reason the fight in the club. Now we all know that aint NO ONE above an ass-whoopin (There are some people whose heads I wish I could go upside right now) but there is a time to fight and a time to let it slide. Getting drunk and acting like an idiot isn’t the right thing to do AT ANY TIME so please just stop. Usually the party can keep on going after the dipshit gets tossed out so we can always just shuffle around those asshats:
That song makes EVERYTHING better. EVERYTHING. I mean even Jesus is dancing to this song!
So a discussion at while I was at lunch came up and it really made me realize that a lot of times…I am right when I NEED to be wrong. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that women don’t want to see men happy unless they are with them because women don’t believe they are fun. It KILLED me when I saw the Kevin Hart segment about it on his comedy special because I can remember that being true back when women were crazy enough to date me (Although it was less dating, more just them yelling at me and asking “where have you been all night?!” at 8pm) and it was totally the case. Even now, women I am just FRIENDS with have to know where I am going and who I am with. Now it could just be for conversation but I noticed that I don’t care who my friends are with if they aren’t with me. Hell, you can hang out with people I don’t even fucking like as long as you don’t bring their simple asses around me.
I understand, ladies. I really do. I want to be part of a good time as well. When people have fun and I am not invited there is that initial “Aw, man I wish I was invited” and then that is followed by “HOLY SHIT, IT’S A PITBULL SONG!”
As we all know, the more Pitbull in something the better it is. Everything could use more Pitbull. Anyway, at that point I am off and doing my own thing which usually ends up at Crocs dancing with large women. Aaahh, you never forget the horrible actions at the Den of Inequity. It is still fun and man…some women just HATE the fact that you can have fun without them. It is almost like treason to go out and have a good time with other people when you have any kind of female that is more to you than just someone that steals your knives for their own sneak attacks. Man, I have lived in some messed up shit!
Now I rarely think that this is on purpose, at least in the cases that I have personally dealt with (Except for a few crazy ass cases in which I had to drop their asses like a looter in a riot. Cypress Hill, bitches!). I honestly think that women have to (and again, THIS IS NOT A BAD THING!) be the center of happiness for an individual, especially a man. Now this isn’t always a negative, sometimes they just want to know they are special to that person and them going out and having a better time with OTHERS than with THEM can be hurtful which I get completely. Now maybe it is just me because I have rarely had anything in common with my female friends and even LESS with the few women that dated me but I was happy when they went out with their girlfriends and had a good time because odds are, I sure as FUCK didn’t want to go with them to that place. Just like I don’t want to drag someone someplace they don’t want to be and have no interest in going I would hate it for a woman to do the same to me so I DON’T do that. I have always understood trying new things and wanting to be with someone for the sake of their company but if my woman wanted to go line dancing…we breaking up.
Hells no, I won’t go. Anyway, go out and have fun. I am done for the day. I was supposed to be working anyway so it is about time to finish up. I will try to be up at some point this week, though. Stay up, peeps.
Chachi Out