Sorry about no update this weekend, peeps. I was in a funk becauese my car broke down on the way to see 'Strangers With Candy' on Saturday. I think the tension cable broke on the clutch or something because all of a sudden I couldn't get into gear. Since then, I have been all bummed the fuck out. It just turned a year old this month, things shouldnt be going out on it. Even though I drive a lot to Denver, it still is well under warranty. Things like that just bug me. It almost makes me want to never buy American again.
So I will have a KICK ASS update up this Sunday because I will probably see 'Strangers With Candy' on Saturday after I see 'Talledega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby' on Friday. That should make me feel better about this weekend. Also, the first of many Unagi Days came and passed and it RULED. I had some sake, ending my sober streak but I just had a few casual sips (unlike the usual when I was challenging the sushi chef for his dojo and getting my ass WHOOPED ON) so I don't look at it as falling off the wagon. Friday ruled, actually. Gellatto and unagi is a kick ass day, peeps.
So the news weekend (aside from the shoddy American workmanship of my vehicle) was slow so I really don't have an update. Oh wait, MEL GIBSON GOT A DUI!! Fuck yes, if anyone needed to be taken down a peg, it's that fucker. I so loathe him, almost as much as as Tom Cruise and 50 Cent. ALMOST. Even still, I hope he gets his liscence revoked and deported. Fuck Mel Gibson. Oh, and now people are lying for Tom and Katie about their non-existant baby. You know, the sooner they come clean the easier I will let them off the hook. As of right now, they are running with a lie because they are scared of what people will say. The longer it goes on, the more it becomes like the Janet Jackson baby scandal. Yes, she was pregnant with a DEBARGE back in the day. Baby weight my ass, that bitch had a baby. Anyway, fuck Tom Cruise.
Oh yeah, fuck Nick Cannon. I swear to god, the unholy union that is Nick Cannon and Boost Mobile makes me want to beat kittens with a bolo. Seriously, I hate that man and I hate Boost Mobile so I personally believe that justifies any bodily harm I inflict on Mr. Cannon because he sucks. Sucks it hard and he needs to be dealt with. Jersey style.
Well, it is about that time. I will try to be back when I get home (I am going to take the first bus if my car gets done today which I think it should) and drop something on theblog. If not, I will have a post this weekend. Stay up, peeps.
Live, love and laugh.
Oh, and fuck Saturn. Fuck them in their stupid heads. If things go well, I will update this and change that line but for now they can suck it dry.