Friday, July 07, 2006

It's A Pirates Life For Me As Well...

Morning peeps. It's another Friday and I must say I am happy it is here. Pirates 2 comes out tonight, and the reviews have been...waterlogged to say the least. Scurvy land-loving dogs! How dare you question the greatness that is Pirates 2?! Well, can't be any worse than Nacho Libre. I honestly feel that if you liked that movie, you should be slapped. That movie was mind-fuckingly bad. I mean Darkness Falls bad. ELEKTRA bad. Nay, Daredevil bad. Oh, yeah. I went there. Even still, I'm gonna set sail and watch it tonight.

So I am still working on the other categories for The Chachis. I will have a few more up this weekend (depending on how this weekend goes, I may have updates on Saturday AND Sunday. Be still, peeps.) and also the Douche of the Week. So a hefty weekend on the blog, hope I'm up for it. Until then peeps, I'm out. Stay up, ya'll.

I'm out.